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What Do the European Election Results Mean for Business Travel?

Since the last European election in 2019, business travel has undergone significant transformations. By interrupting travel, the Covid-19 pandemic brought to light the sector’s crucial benefits to our societies, including connecting people from different backgrounds and a substantial contribution to economic growth. Now that it is on the road to recovery, efforts are being deployed…

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GBTA U.S. Legislative Summit 2024 Brings the Voices of Business Travel to Policymakers to Advance Industry Priorities

100+ GBTA Members Share Industry’s Economic Impact and Urge Legislators to Support Decarbonizing Air Travel and Improve the U.S. Visa System for Those Who Travel for Work Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) and Representative Sam Graves (R-MO) Receive “GBTA Navigator Award” for Championing Business Travel in the U.S. Members and constituents of the Global Business Travel…

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U.S. Business Travel Industry Responsible for Almost 2% of U.S. GDP and 3.5% of Employment in Latest Full-Year Figures

GBTA’s study reveals for every 1% of growth in business travel, the U.S. economy sees nearly 60,000 jobs, $2.9 billion in paid wages, $1.2 billion in tax revenue and $4.8 billion in new GDP The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) today unveiled a new study, the “GBTA U.S. Economic Impact Study: Business Travel’s Impact on…

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GBTA Welcomes European Parliament’s Push to Establish a Harmonised Measurement Framework for Transport Emissions

GBTA welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of their report on the proposed CountEmissionsEU regulation that will establish a consistent and accurate measurement framework for transport emissions. This initiative is critical for business travellers to make more sustainable choices by helping them compare the carbon footprint of their trips across providers, and modes of…

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GBTA Honours Jan-Christoph Oetjen with Navigator Award for Championing Business Travel in Europe

GBTA announces MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew Europe, Germany) as the recipient of its prestigious “GBTA Navigator Award.” The GBTA Navigator Award is given to elected officials who have proven to be strong advocates of the business travel industry. First introduced by GBTA in 2016, this is the first time…

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GBTA Applauds Prioritization of TSA Funding and Investment as Part of U.S. Government Budget  

Approved $1.2 trillion budget package for FY 2024 includes reallocating airfare fees for TSA upgrades and expansion which supports better efficiency and safety while traveling  The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) commends the inclusion of a provision in the recently-passed $1.2 trillion 2024 federal government spending package which reinstates revenue collected from airline ticket security…

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Biden Administration Announces Plans to Accelerate Clean Transportation, GBTA Commits to Sustainable Procurement Criteria for Business Travel

GBTA and the GBTA Foundation took part in an announcement event today in Washington, D.C. where the Biden Administration unveiled new commitments to boost access to electric vehicles (EVs), save taxpayer dollars, and tackle the climate crisis, as well as new Federal employee travel guidelines on sustainable transportation use. Shane Downey, Vice President, Government and…

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GBTA Reports from the European Parliament on The MDMS Regulation

Can it make travel easier and greener? Yesterday GBTA helped host a high-level event at the European Parliament in Brussels to discuss the upcoming Multimodal Digital Mobility Systems Regulation. The event, The MDMS Regulation: Can it make travel easier and greener? Was hosted by MEP Oetjen and Dalunde in the European Parliament and showcased the numerous stakeholders representing the…

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Making Sustainable Business Travel a Reality: A Look at EU Initiatives and GBTA’s Impact

EU leaders are in a race against time to push through new reforms aimed at greening the economy, ahead of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 2024. The ambitious “European Green Deal” presented as one of the main priorities of the current Commission is set to become President Ursula von der Leyen’s most enduring…

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GBTA Supports Ambitious Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS) Regulation

GBTA continues to advocate for the EU Commission to maintain its ambitious scope for Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS) regulation, to promote sustainable travel and meet EU climate goals.   Initial MDMS policy vision   In 2020, the EU Commission set out its Mobility Strategy including its vision for MDMS Regulation:  “Planning and buying tickets for multimodal…