Industry Spotlight
GBTA Webinar
What Travel Managers and Travelers Agree
(and Disagree) On
October 18 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Join this dynamic session with GBTA and Uber for Business to explore the priorities and challenges of today’s business travelers and travel managers, including:
The business traveler experience and its importance compared to other priorities
Sustainable business travel and what it means to travelers and managers alike
Cost savings in managed travel programs, how it is achieved and what is prioritized
How an uncertain economy could impact business travel
Registration: Complimentary
Made Possible by
GBTA + VDR Europe Conference 2023 – Hamburg
Personal and Professional Development
GBTA + VDR Europe Conference 2023 – Hamburg will offer a platform for personal and professional growth. Attending the main stage, Big Idea and education sessions, allows delegates to stay updated on the latest trends, research, and advancements in their field.
Register by Thursday 27 October and save with our low rates! We are taking the conference to Hamburg for the first time and we want you to be there so take advantage of these rates today and register now.