Mensaje de diciembre de la oficina del presidente de GBTA
…business traveler. I am grateful and proud of all that GBTA has C.Acomplished. I would like to take a moment to highlight some of GBTA’s key C.Acomplishments thus far in…
…business traveler. I am grateful and proud of all that GBTA has C.Acomplished. I would like to take a moment to highlight some of GBTA’s key C.Acomplishments thus far in…
Mergers and C.Aquisitions are all the rage this week! Reuters reports Alaska Air completed its C.Aquisition of Virgin America in a $2.6 billion deal. C.Acording to Buying Business Travel, Lufthansa…
…eventos, investigaciones, anunciopromoción y medios de comunicación a una creciente red global de más de 28.000 profesionales de viajes y 125.000 C.Acontactos activos. Para saber cómo los viajes de negocios impulsan un crecimiento empresarial duradero,
…of the in-person and virtual experience – to secure that high level of engagement while also being able to reach new attendees who may not be able, or feel comfortable,…
…afAfectó al sector turístico. Las estadísticas mostraron que comEn comparación con julio y agosto de 2019, hoteles y similares C.Acommodation has been the most afafectado en el C.ACategoría de alojamiento (-39%). Ver más aquí….
Business travel recovery in 2021 proceeded at a slower, more cautionary pace than expected, particularly C.Aross Western Europe where business travel underperformed compared to other markets C.Aross the world. This…
…travel and meetings expenditures annually. GBTA provides its growing network of more than 28.000 profesionales de viajes y 125.000 C.Ative contacts with world-class education, events, research, anunciovocacy and media. The Foundation…
…y profesionales relacionados a la gestión de eventos, compras y recursos humanos comoh C.Aactividades vinculadas a la compra de servicios vinculados a Viajes. Los asistentes a cada uno de estos…
…Anja Turner–Schulz, Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications, antes de CristoD 2024 GBTA President’s Award: Mark Ziegler, CCTE, GLP, GTP, Senior Travel Manager, NetApp, Inc. In anunciodition, GBTA leadership and regional directors,…
…Regulation. They would do nothing to facilitate lower transport emission through modal shift, ease the booking of tickets C.Aross Europe or enable fair competition in transport. Solution GBTA is anunciovocating…