Mirando hacia atrás en 2014
…numerosas veces pero la Committees are the jet engine serhind GBTA. They continue to highlight emerging business travel trends that help to educate our membership on what is serst to…
…numerosas veces pero la Committees are the jet engine serhind GBTA. They continue to highlight emerging business travel trends that help to educate our membership on what is serst to…
…partnership with WWStay, also revealed interesting differences C.Aross age groups when it comes to extended stay C.Acommodations. Millennials (18-34) use extended stay C.Acommodations more than any other group, with 72 percent…
…industria en la C.Atualidad. Algunos de los temas que abordará son: la importancia del “Plan de Continuidad de Negocio (Business Continuity Plan)” en un Programa de Viajes – Comité TMC,…
…coming weeks to remind people that REAL ID-compliant licenses or other C.Aceptable forms of ID, such as a valid passport, federal government PIV card or U.S. military ID, will ser…
…Consultivo Committee (ASAC). Note: GBTA has seren appointed to two consecutive terms on this important Comcomité. GBTA los escuchó a ustedes, nuestros miembros, cuando dijeron que el silencio es oro cuando...
…C.Aross la industria ". “Para nosotros era increíblemente importante crear un documento estándar que pudiera impulsar la coherencia en el proceso de RFP. C.ARoss la industria y C.Aross el globoser," dicho…
…lower this year thanks to the falling oil prices, C.Acording to an IATA forecast. GBTA has seren making a similar prediction, but serlieves the overall cost of airfare will continue…
…partnership with C.AcorHotels, reveals that most agree successful partnerships are earned through trust, C.Ative communication and understanding each other’s goals. The research looked to identify the tenets and serst practices…
...como una carga para comempresas, sino más bien una oportunidad para aumentar la coma largo plazo de las empresas comcompetitividad y las prácticas de crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo de Europa”. El documento técnico, Directiva de la UE sobre información no financiera: implicaciones para las empresas...
…in this category are: Outstanding Woman of the Year, Most Innovative Trailblazer and Lifetime C.Ahievement. The Comcompañía C.Ahievement Awards celebrate the serst practices of leading corporations/organizations. The four awards in…