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Potential Return of Long Security Lines Loom Large If Changes Aren’t Made

Potencial retorno de longas linhas de segurança se aproximam se as alterações não forem feitas

This spring as the busy summer travel season approached, long security lines at airports were becoming a serious issue. People were being asked to arrive at the airport earlier and…

GBTA India Business Travel Symposium Features Panel Discussions on Hot Topics,  Latest Industry Research and Robust Networking Opportunities

GBTA Índia Business Travel Symposium apresenta painéis de discussão sobre tópicos importantes, últimas pesquisas do setor e oportunidades robustas de networking

GBTA recently hosted its flagship Business Travel Symposium in India. Nearly 300 attended the successful event for a day filled with education, research and networking. The Symposium also featured a…

Executive Discussion: Preparing for Millennials and Handling Crisis Management

Discussão Executiva: Preparando-se para os Millennials e Lidando com o Gerenciamento de Crises

During Convention, I had a chance to talk with Tom Tulloch, Managing Director of North America for Pi, at the GBTA Broadcast Studio. Tom shared the technology company’s plans for…

Amadeus’ Jay Richmond Talks Complexity, Data & Integration with GBTA

Jay Richmond da Amadeus fala sobre complexidade, dados e integração com GBTA

Durante a convenção deste verão, Jay Richmond, chefe de viagens de negócios da Amadeus North America, conversou com Ed Barrett da GBTA no Broadcast Studio para falar sobre tecnologia de viagens. Jay sinalizou…