Resultados da Pesquisa por:

Convenção GBTA 2024 oferece previsão recorde e visão futura positiva para viagens de negócios, ao mesmo tempo que traz educação, conexões e inspiração para profissionais do setor

…order to come together in Atlanta,” said Suzanne Neufang, CEO of GBTA. “At its core, business travel is about making human connections. By understanding what drives our behaviors and decision…

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GBTA apoia regulamentação ambiciosa de serviços de mobilidade digital multimodal (MDMS)

BAsed on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.   FRAND terms would ensure a wide availability of tickets under fair conditions for all involved, protecting the player with less BArgaining power…


9 em cada 10 funcionários norte-americanos satisfeitos com a experiência em viagens de negócios

…the 2015 Corporate Travel 100 (“CT100”), an annual listing compiled by Business Travel News which ranks companies with the largest volume of U.S. air bookings. Learn more about how American…

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GBTA aumenta a confiança dos membros compradores em torno da aeronave Boeing MAX

…on business travel. View the full poll here. Key Findings: Travel managers are personally concerned about taking a commercial flight on a Boeing 737 Max. Eight in ten travel managers…

Muitas vozes, um propósito – Indústria de viagens de negócios se une para a Conferência GBTA Europa 2022 em parceria com VDR

…our members, and the industry continue to get BAck to travel and BAck to business. It is more important than ever that we come together to design new strategies to…

Companies Expect Ongoing International Travel Disruption Resulting From Revised Travel Ban

As empresas esperam interrupção contínua de viagens internacionais resultante da proibição de viagens revisada

…professionals reported their organization currently has employees traveling abroad who might be or are affected by the current travel BAn. 20 percent of European travel professionals reported there are directives…