Resultados da Pesquisa por: European%252525252525252525252525252525252525252Bbusiness%252525252525252525252525252525252525252Btravel%252525252525252525252525252525252525252Bcagr

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GBTA homenageia Jan-Christoph Oetjen com Prêmio Navigator por defender viagens de negócios na Europa

GBTA announces MEP and Vice-President of the europeu Parliament Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew Europe, Germany) as the recipient of its prestigious “GBTA Navigator Award.” The GBTA Navigator Award is given to…

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GBTA apoia regulamentação ambiciosa de serviços de mobilidade digital multimodal (MDMS)

…sustainable travel will be shown in plain view.  Ensure that travellers are well-informed, get the best deals and can make more sustainable choices.   Lead to a more efficient europeu transport…


…the GBTA France chapter. The network provides business travel and meeting professionals with a europeu remit with access to the best education and training, research, benchmarking tools and events. For…


Política de viagens: lutando como os Dickens, abertura de viagens internacionais

…and Representative asking them to end the testing rule. Be The Voice that Brings Back International Travel!  EU DIGITAL CERTIFICATE EXTENDED: The europeu O Conselho aprovou o europeu Proposta da Comissão para estender o Regulamento que estabelece…

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O que a próxima Comissão Europeia significa para as viagens corporativas?

o europeu Union faced profound challenges under the previous Commission’s mandate, navigating global health crises and geopolitical upheaval while balancing climate commitments with economic competitiveness. As the Commission entered a…

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Vozes em Ação: Como a GBTA está moldando o futuro das viagens corporativas na Europa

…team amplified that voice, meeting with europeu policy decision-makers to influence the frameworks and regulations that directly impact  business travel. Over three days, GBTA’s team, including Fulvio Origo, Delphine Millot,…