April 19, 2023

GBTA Europe Advocacy

Advocating for Sustainable, Efficient and Seamless Business Travel

A delegation of GBTA leaders and European members gathered in Brussels March 27-29 to advocate for the unique priorities of the business travel sector. Over the course of three days, the group attended sixteen meetings with policymakers, trade associations, and subject matter experts.

The goal of these engagements was to address key challenges and opportunities faced by the industry, including the promotion and adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), promoting multimodality, and refining the Payment Services Directives (PSD2/3) to better accommodate the needs of business travelers.

Following GBTA’s efforts in Brussels, numerous opportunities have emerged to bolster the business traveler’s voice with EU policymakers and stakeholders. Among the next steps:

  • GBTA will maintain contact with key policymakers, such as MEP Oetjen in aviation matters, and the Spanish Permanent Representation, which will define priority matters in the EU for the second half of 2023 as they assume the EU Presidency of the Council.
  • On the Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS), GBTA will continue advocating for equal treatment across transport operators, leveraging stakeholder collaboration with relevant rail stakeholders such as CER and ALLRAIL to better understand the challenges in the sector.
  • On payment services, GBTA is eager to work closely with VISA and other service providers on defining key payment terms and monitoring the release of PSD3, ensuring our industry remains well-represented.

A big thank you to Ben Park, Olivier Benoit, Paul Raymond, Christian Rosenbaum, Andrea Giuricin and David McNeill, and the GBTA EU Members for their support and accompanying GBTA leaders Catherine Logan, Delphine Millot and Shane Downey, for this round of advocacy outreach.

Park, who is the Chair of the GBTA Europe Advisory Board, shares his takeaways on the meetings - watch here.

You can read more in the Brussels outreach recap report here which summarizes all the meetings, outcomes, and next steps.


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Industry Spotlight

GBTA WINiT 1:1 Mentoring
Don’t Wing It Solo. Do It with a Pro.

Application Closes Monday, May 1, 2023

GBTA WINiT is pleased to offer a 1:1 Mentoring Program to GBTA members, a virtual one-to-one global mentoring program with the primary objective of creating and fostering developmental relationships focused on progressing women leaders at all levels in business travel. Applications are open now through Monday, May 1, 2023.

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Crisis24 Intelligence Brief

Canada - Public workers to strike across Canada April 19. Heightened security, transport and business disruptions likely.

Canada and United States - Adverse winter weather forecast across parts of the northern US and southern Canada through April 20. Hazardous travel conditions likely.

China - Severe weather forecast across parts of southeastern China through at least April 20. Possible flooding and associated disruptions.

Germany - Union airport security staff to strike in multiple cities in Germany April 20-21; disruptions likely from late April 19. Reconfirm flights.

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Town Hall with the GBTA Board of Directors
April 24
11:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT
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4:00 PM-5:00 PM BST
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The Fundamentals of Strategic Meetings Management
May 5
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

GBTA Canada Conference 2023 – Toronto
May 15 - 17

GBTA Sustainability Summit
June 13

GBTA U.S. Legislative Summit
June 14 - 15

GBTA Convention 2023
Aug 13 - 15

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Your input is needed! Help us identify actionable opportunities for more sustainable travel. Our State of Climate Action Survey is now open through Friday, April 28. Participants will receive a $75 USD discount on registration for the upcoming GBTA Sustainability Summit on June 13 in Washington, D.C. Thanks in advance for your support! Take the Survey

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