Implementing the Airline RFP in Your Travel Program

The RFP has been a staple of the business travel industry for many years, but a lack of standardization can cause frustration and headaches for parties on both ends. Suppliers are often faced with unrealistic timelines and wishlists, while buyers are daunted by the time-consuming and complex process involving inconsistency between RFPs for different suppliers.

In order to alleviate these complications and streamline the process, GBTA recently introduced a new Airline RFP Toolkit that reflects shifting industry trends and the evolution of ancillary services, fuel surcharges, distribution fees, and more. Designed to be the new industry standard, this suite of easy-to-use documents allows for a faster sourcing turnaround time and is scalable for all regions and scopes.

GBTA Aviation Committee Member Teresa Amos joined us for a webinar entitled Implementing the Airline RFP in Your Travel Program to inform participants of the best practices and most effective ways to deliver results for airline sourcing projects. After walking through the pain points and expectations of all involved parties, Teresa highlighted the key elements and use of each component of the toolkit.

This resource is available free-of-charge to all and available for download here. GBTA members may also download the toolkit and view the webinar through the Hub.

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