GBTA Board of Directors Election: Absentee Ballots Now Available

Make Your Voice Heard
Determine the Future of GBTA
Absentee Ballot Request Process Now Open

*An email was sent from GBTA’s Election Services firm last week to GBTA members eligible to vote detailing the absentee voting process for those who may not be able to vote onsite at Convention.*

It is time to start choosing new leadership positions for GBTA. In preparation for the upcoming voting opportunities, please take a moment to review the election materials and platform statements in the Board of Directors Election Brochure 2018.

At Convention 2018, elections with voting by electronic means will be open starting on Monday, August 13 at 11:30 am PT until Tuesday, August 14 at 6pm PT at the GBTA Convention at the San Diego Convention Center. Ballots will only be available online. Results of the elections will be announced at Convention Arena on Wednesday, August 15. Individuals must be Direct or Allied members of GBTA to be eligible to vote. Please note that to vote onsite, individuals must also be registered for Convention by July 31, 2018.

If you are unable to attend GBTA Convention 2018 and vote in person, you may request an absentee ballot. The absentee ballot request process is now open. You may reply to the email you received from Election Services Company on June 28 to request an absentee ballot or click here and write “Please send me an absentee ballot” in the body of the email. The absentee ballot will be available online only.

The Election Services Company (ESC) will respond to your email request and provide you with the website link and code to login and cast your absentee vote.

The deadline to request the absentee ballot is July 13.

The deadline to submit an absentee ballot is August 6.

The positions up for election are:

  • Three (3) Direct Members at Large for a term of three years
  • One (1) Allied Member at Large for a term of two years

We thank you in advance for your participation in shaping the future of GBTA.

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