Taking a Bite Out of Business Dining

It’s no secret that business travel poses a threat to your health – the late-night departures, early morning arrivals, unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise all take a toll. Want to discover tips for staying healthy while on the road? Join us for a GBTA- and Dinova-hosted Twitter Chat as we discuss top tips for staying healthy while on the road, dining trends among business travelers, and more. Be sure to use the hashtag #GBTAchat in your tweets in order to gain further exposure!


Tuesday, July 17 at 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT / 6:00pm GMT


Dinova, @DinovaNetwork

Global Business Travel Association, @GlobalBTA

What Is a Twitter Chat?

A Twitter chat is a public conservation on Twitter centered on a unique topic or hashtag to connect people with similar interests, issues or questions. A group of users meet at a planned time to discuss a predetermined topic using a designated hashtag.

The host or moderator tweets a series of questions (designated with Q1, Q2, etc.) designed to facilitate conversation. Participants respond based on their personal experiences (using A1, A2, etc.) and have the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals in the online space.

How Does It Work?

  1. Log in to Twitter before the chat starts at 2:00 p.m. ET and make sure to follow @GlobalBTA and @DinovaNetwork.
  2. Every few minutes, we’ll tweet a new question from @GlobalBTA during the chat. To join the conversation, simply tweet a reply to the prompt, retweet or ask a question using our #GBTAchat hashtag.
  3. To follow the conversation in real-time, enter the hashtag #GBTAchat into the search bar and sort tweets by “Latest”.

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