
Podcast: How Can Managed Travel Programs Address the Safety of Female Business Travelers?

For this week’s episode, The Business of Travel revisits an important topic – the safety of women business travelers. In the opening segment, GBTA President Christle Johnson talks GBTA priorities and highlights from a recent GBTA research study on female business travel safety conducted in partnership with WWStay. Next up, WWStay’s Dawn McGowan dives deeper into the findings and discusses how they are approaching the issue. Cathy Rigby of the CFA Institute and GBTA’s Risk Committee addresses what’s at stake for companies that don’t build female traveler safety into their programs and provides practical safety and security advice for women travelers.



Want to learn more about the GBTA research on the topic? Download an infographic here featuring key highlights. If you’re attending GBTA Convention 2018 in San Diego, you can also catch an education session on this research on August 13 at 8:45 AM.

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