Top 5 Dining Mobile Apps for Business Travelers

Smartphones are ubiquitous in today’s world, and as Apple always says, “there’s an app for that”. As part of a recent research study looking into business travel dining trends that GBTA conducted in partnership with Dinova, we asked business travelers what dining apps they use when on the road for work trips. Here are the top 5…

Top 5 Business Travel Dining Apps

1 – Yelp

2- TripAdvisor

3- Grubhub

4 – OpenTable

5 – Uber Eats

The study also explored generational differences when it comes to technology use and eating out while traveling for work. Not surprisingly, Millennials especially embrace technology and are more willing to use the tools and technology made available to them through their travel programs, but technology has also become an essential part of how employees of all ages travel.

Learn more about the study findings here, and be sure to check out this recent guest blog post from Dinova on incorporating a dining program into your managed travel program.

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