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Check-In with Suzanne

Fifty days and counting until the business travel industry comes together as we have for so many years. Once again at GBTA Convention 2021 we’ll learn, connect and do business, while making health and safety a priority. But we also know due to current circumstances, some may not be able to attend in-person this year. 

We want everyone to pick the path to Convention that’s right for them – and we also don’t want anyone to miss out. Since new times call for new approaches, for the first time GBTA is rolling out a new way to experience GBTA Convention 2021: the Convention Replay Package for those who can’t join in person. This package represents a curated selection of the best of Convention: five livestreaming Main Stage presentations; 25 post-event, on-demand educational sessions; plus, virtual connection to exhibitors. You’ll find all the details for Convention Replay Package on the GBTA Convention 2021 website. 

This will definitely be a different event for all of us. You’ll also find new approaches in our Convention themes – like sustainability, future of work and DEI – as well as in our onsite set-up, speakers, and sessions. We’ve evolved to where the industry is now and where it’s headed next – for business travelers, members, partners and professionals. Attending Convention is the ultimate in-person experience: the “Big Room energy” of the Main Stage, real-time education sessions, productive business meetings and personal connection. We’re excited about the November event in Orlando and hope you are, too.    

Another exciting development to share was GBTA’s participation last week in a U.S. Senate Subcommittee hearing about reviving travel and tourism and creating jobs. Joining other travel leaders, I testified on ways to accelerate business travel’s return. It was truly satisfying to see this bipartisan effort around getting people traveling again for the good of all. Further recognition that #BusinessNeedsTravel and the importance of a strong industry recovery. 



News To Know 

Argentina’s government reopening borders and relaxing Covid restrictions 

As confirmed cases continue to decrease, Argentina’s government has announced a dramatic loosening of COVID-19 restrictions starting next month. Officials from President Alberto Fernández’s government said it would make changes regarding restrictions for arriving visitors, gradual reopening of borders, allowing most commercial and social activities without capacity limits, and drop obligatory face masks outdoors. 

Belgian travel managers call for introduction of rapid testing 

The Belgian Association of Travel Management (BATM) is one of fourteen other organizations writing an open letter to Belgian health minister Frank Vandenbroucke encouraging the acceptance of rapid antigen tests for travelers.  

Ottawa ready to provide assistance to Saskatchewan during Covid-19 surge 

Federal health minister Patty Hajdu says Ottawa is ready to help Saskatchewan deal with its COVID-19 surge as soon as the request for federal aid is triggered. Some supports are already in place, including isolation sites and contact tracing. “Health human resources across the country are stressed and so I reminded the minister that we’ll be there to help everyone across the country as much as possible and whenever, whenever it’s needed,” Hajdu said. 

Southwest develops new sustainability program for corporate customers 

Announced in their sustainability town hall, Southwest is now working with corporate clients to provide a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchasing program. SAF is a critical element to decarbonizing the aviation industry, and Southwest’s primary goal is to support SAF production to allow for greater supply at lower prices. Similar partnerships are being used including Deloitte’s partnership with Delta and American Airlines and the Eco-Skies Alliance from United. 


GBTA News & Reminders 

WINiT Wherever You Stand – Job Seeker or Job Holder 

The pandemic has forced record numbers of travel, events and meeting professionals out of work or changed the roles of many who are still employed. Join us for a 45-minute discussion on the importance of your pitch, actionable advice on getting your next job, and how to add value and remain relevant in your current job. 

GBTA Europe Town Hall 

The effects of Brexit are constantly evolving, and navigating these new restrictions and requirements is a critical consideration for travelers and travel managers as the global workforce returns to business travel. Join us for our October Europe Town Hall to hear Jens Liltorp, the European representative on the GBTA Board of Directors, discuss the latest with GBTA followed by an expert insight on how to manage the growing documentary demands of getting travellers on the move. 


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