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Check-In with Suzanne

GBTA continues to get back to business around the world. And we continue to be bolstered by our active and knowledgeable volunteers working across the local, regional and global levels.


Last week’s GBTA Europe Town Hall – the first for 2022 and hosted by Catherine Logan, GBTA Regional Vice President, EMEA – (virtually) welcomed the new Chair of the GBTA Europe Advisory Board, Ben Park. Ben shared his thoughts on the importance of knowledge sharing and building a network in the travel industry and highlighted this through the partnership example of German business travel association VDR (his national association) and GBTA. Additionally, GBTA’s head of Research, Chris Ely, provided a pulse check on business travel outlook in the region, with Europe-specific data and analysis from the latest GBTA Business Travel Index. Learn more about the upcoming GBTA Berlin Conference in partnership with VDR, taking place February 28-March 2 and will feature insights from thought leaders, a big ideas session, interactive think tanks, and more.


GBTA made good on another key 2022 goal this month, as we officially welcomed Delphine Millot in the newly created role of Senior Vice President of Sustainability. With her experience and leadership, GBTA will bring together collaborative efforts across our membership and the industry to advance sustainability and drive impactful initiatives in the business travel sector. Delphine will work with the newly created GBTA Sustainability Leadership Council which currently consists of an exclusive list of sponsoring organizations from across the industry. She’ll also work with the GBTA Sustainability and Responsibility Committee which over the years has delivered sustainability tools and educational programs to GBTA members. Sustainability is a shared priority for the business travel industry, GBTA, and business travel programs and professionals around the world.


Finally – this week several GBTA staff, Board of Directors, and the US Legislative Committee are traveling with intention as these important organizations gather for various in-person meetings at GBTA headquarters in Alexandria, VA.  And next week we look forward to the first US Chapter Leadership in-person gathering in two years to chart the course for local programming and best practice sharing that impact our association on every level.


#BusinessNeedsTravel – it’s critical at the start of the year, and throughout the year, because important collaboration, course-setting, and impactful strategizing all take shape more effectively in face-to-face settings. Here’s wishing you all a week full of productivity and good intent.

News to Know:

U.S. Hotel Pipeline Shrinks But Future Seems Brighter

The number of U.S. hotel construction projects in the development pipeline at the close of 2021 was about 8 percent lower than one year prior, according to a new report from Lodging Econometrics, but projects in the early stages of development increased. Still, what seems to be pent-up demand by developers for construction has been hindered by inflation and supply chain issues, according to the report.

Italy eases travel from the EU as of February

Italy will ease COVID-19 restrictions for all visitors from European Union countries starting from Feb.1 , the health ministry said on Wednesday. Minister of Health Roberto Speranza has signed an order stating that travelers from EU countries will only need a “green pass,” it said in a statement. The Green Pass, is a document showing proof of COVID-19 immunity through vaccination, previous infection or a negative test.

Philippines reopening to tourism next month

The Philippines will grant entry to visitors vaccinated against Covid-19 from February 10, its government said on January 28, in an effort to boost a tourism sector decimated by the pandemic. The archipelago nation of more than 7,000 islands had planned to reopen in December 2021, but that was aborted over concerns about the Omicron variant. Citizens of 150 countries that have visa-free entry to the Philippines will be allowed to enter. Countries on that list include the UK, Japan, Canada, Australia, Italy and the United States.


GBTA News and Reminders:

BNA Vision – 2022 Nashville International Airport Updates – GTP Credit Approved

Doug Kreulen, CEO & President of Nashville International Airport (BNA) presents the latest updates on the BNA Vision; including the airport’s expansion with a new hotel and international flight options, the evolving effects of the pandemic and safety protocols, and what the future holds for Nashville’s growth. Register here to learn more.

The Fits and Starts of Corporate Travel and Group Meetings

Has the Tipping Point Arrived or is Liability on the Horizon?  Vaccines are prevalent, but virus variants continue to surge.  Is it safe to exit the Zoom Room? Join us on February 10th at 11 A.M. CST; click here to register!

Fundamentals of Business Travel Management™

GBTA’s Fundamentals curriculum includes a full range of topics including safety, policy, trends, performance, and more. Participants in this course gain a better understanding of business travel management and make themselves indispensable to the business travel needs of their organization. Click here to register for February 11th at 10 A.M. ET.

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