Day 14 of Government Shutdown

As the government shutdown enters into its third week and a quick resolution seems dim, we need you to communicate to your elected leaders the harmful impact on the business travel industry. Coupled with a possible default on the nation’s debt obligations we – the business travel community – need Congress and the Administration to find a solution now. Visit GBTA’s Legislative Action Center to send a message to Congress and the Administration. By getting involved, YOU can change the debate!

On Friday, October 11, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation held a hearing on “The Impacts of the Government Shutdown on Our Economic Security”. GBTA submitted comments for the record, which illustrated the importance of business travel and stressed the negative impact the shutdown is having on the industry.

Photo Credit: RJ Schmidt
Photo Credit: RJ Schmidt

Also on Friday, GBTA published results of a member survey on the impact of the shutdown. Here’s a rundown of media coverage on the survey results:


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