Tell Congress You Oppose A Travel Tax Increase

Congress is once again considering an increase in the aviation security tax paid by passengers. As the Budget Committee tries to deal with the next round of mandatory cuts in agency budgets due to sequestration, any measure that brings in additional revenue or decreases spending is on the table.

We need you to let your senators and representative know that the business travel industry strongly opposes an increase – an additional $1.2 billion due to increases in the security segment fee on air fares. This is yet another tax or fee increase that will hit your bottom line. If your company’s travel costs increase, you may not be able to send as many employees on the road or end up selling your services to fewer. That is not good for your company, the business travel industry or the economy.

It is important to let your elected officials know that you want them to oppose a fee increase. Please send this Take Action letter as written, or feel free to include your own edits, and remember to either fill in the blanks or delete the sentence in the second paragraph that includes your profession and company.

You are the voice of the business travel industry. This is an opportunity for you to make that voice heard.

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