Senator Klobuchar Talks Travel & Tourism Issues at GBTA Legislative Symposium

Senator Amy Klobuchar, a major champion of business travel and someone The Washington Post called a rising star of the Democratic Party spoke to GBTA members as part of today’s Legislative Symposium.


Sen. Klobuchar led off joking about the weather in Minnesota as she lauded the business community for being able to draw the NFL Super Bowl in 2018 after a winter that saw temperatures dip down to negative 41 degrees before wind-chill and even measure colder than on Mars one day!

As a strong supporter of Brand USA, she was proud of the bipartisan work to make it happen and was pleased to see it reauthorized last December. The mission of Brand USA is to encourage increased international visitation to the United States and to grow America’s share of the global travel market.

Other upcoming issues important to Sen. Klobuchar are the JOLT Act, comprehensive immigration reform, FAA reauthorization and NextGen. Her major focus right now and over the last three years has been speeding up travel visas to better facilitate travel to the United States. Finally, she discussed pushing the bill to lift the embargo with Cuba as she was really struck by tourism potential there.

Following her remarks, GBTA members had the chance for a Q&A with Sen. Klobuchar digging deeper into her insights in to issues important to business travel.

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