
American Airlines’ Chief Doug Parker Returns to GBTA Convention

We have been on a roll lately announcing featured speakers for our GBTA Convention 2014 this July in Los Angeles. If you haven’t heard yet, Kevin Spacey (or “President Underwood” if you are a House of Cards fan) will be presenting live in Convention Arena on Monday, July 28. Throughout the week at Center Stage, we will hear from such impressive industry leaders as John Pistole, TSA Administrator; Jeff Smisek, president and CEO of United Airlines and Richard Anderson, CEO of Delta Airlines.

Parker at GBTA Convention 2011 in Denver
Parker at GBTA Convention 2011 in Denver

Our latest announcement last Thursday added yet another influential leader to our featured speaker list: Doug Parker, CEO of American Airlines Group and American Airlines, Inc. Doug is no stranger to the GBTA Convention. At our 2011 Convention in Denver, Doug was informative and entertaining when he took the stage as the chairman and CEO of the (former) US Airways Group. He talked about the future of the airline industry and how global alliances could change the competitive landscape. Now he is back in his new role as head of the new American Airlines after the merger between US Airways and American Airlines last December. As he undertakes one of the largest mergers in industry history, Doug will provide great insight for attendees navigating the business travel industry.

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