Call for Volunteers – Seamlessly Integrating ACTE Within GBTA

In November, GBTA was incredibly fortunate to acquire the key assets of the Association of Corporate Travel Executives, or ACTE. This unique opportunity to unite the best of two premier organizations in the business travel industry – an effort we are leading together – represents an unprecedented moment for our Association. Done well, the additive effect of integrating ACTE with GBTA will give our members better education offerings, access to a more comprehensive global professional network and a stronger voice advocating for business travel all over the world and our industry’s path to full recovery.

To make the most of the unification of these two brands, we need your help. We are looking for volunteers from across the business travel world (Buyer, Supplier, Media, Member, Non-Member) who have expertise in the following areas to ensure that we get the most out of GBTA’s investment in ACTE’s brand and robust intellectual assets:

  • Blended research and education
  • Advocacy
  • Networking
  • Membership
  • Branding

Volunteering is simple. Please email with your name, email address and a brief description of your area of interest and expertise. We will contact potential volunteers to discuss the project, its timeline and to answer any questions you may have.

Ideally, this integrating task force will comprise teams of volunteers so that we may make the best use of everyone’s time and creativity (especially given the need to work remotely with a project like this). If you have interest, please email by January 4, 2021, so that we can start this important project no later than January 11, 2021.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to working with you and to a collaborative final outcome that improves this association and business travel industry that we all enjoy so much.


GBTA/ACTE Integration Committee

Christle Johnson, Chairperson, GBTA
Vice President Travel & Business Services, Johnson Downie LLC

Greeley Koch
Senior Vice President, DigiTravel Consulting

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