GBTA Welcomes Changes to Bylaws Following Membership Vote

Ahead of 2021 Board of Directors Elections

Alexandria, VA (May 4, 2021) – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the world’s largest business travel association, today announced changes to the association bylaws, as voted by Direct Members. These initial changes are the first step in a series of recommendations to transform the association in preparation for future growth, governance transformation, and the evolving global business travel community.

GBTA Direct Members were invited to vote on three distinct changes to the bylaws:

  1. Vote to allow all Active Members to vote on GBTA bylaw changes,
  2. Vote to recategorize Indirect membership, better define membership categories and create affiliate members,
  3. Vote to shorten the number of days required for candidates to file for office and to make it easier for members of the association to qualify for office.

The changes follow an extensive outreach program by the GBTA Bylaw Taskforce to solicit feedback from current members, past members and/or other interested parties on ways to better the association through the revision of GBTA’s Bylaws. The taskforce, made up of nearly 30 global volunteers and led by Will Pinnell, Allied at Large Director, and Rita Visser, Direct at Large Director, set out a timeline to make amendments to the Bylaws in preparation for the election of the 2021 Board of Directors in July 2021.

The bylaw voting was conducted online through a third- party independent service, Election Services Corporation.

“These initial changes to the bylaws will allow all GBTA members to be heard and have a say in the future of the association,” said Will Pinnell, Allied at Large Director.

“Member feedback highlighted the need for change and global representation outside of the US. This first step is just phase one, and we will shortly be seeking member votes on a further range of changes to the GBTA Bylaws and to elect a new Board of Directors this summer,” said Rita Visser, Direct at Large Director.

The second set of proposed changes to the bylaws will go to an all Active Member vote May 6-21, 2021. Members will be asked to vote on a change to the composition of the GBTA Board.

In parallel, GBTA is also opening nominations for 2021 Board of Directors positions on May 6, 2021. Members may nominate themselves or others for several board and officer seats. Deadline for nominations is May 27, 2021.

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