Spotlight on Doreen Burse, 2021 WINiT Top 50 Women in Travel Recipient

As Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales for United Airlines, Doreen is responsible for leading United’s global sales strategy. She works to enhance the airline’s existing sales programs while building new partnerships and driving overall revenue. Prior to joining United, Doreen served as the Vice President of Marriott’s Global Sales for the U.S. and Canada.

Why is WINiT important to you?
WINiT is important to me because the organization supports change and career agility for women in travel-related industries. I particularly appreciate that WINiT’s membership is comprised of both men and women from a variety of backgrounds who share a common goal of shifting career paradigms forward.

How do you feel about receiving this award from WINiT?
I am both humbled and reflective in receiving this award. I was nominated because I made a non-traditional and perceived risky career move by changing companies during a pandemic. However, I believe in United and what the company stands for, making my decision a comfortable one. I hope my move inspires others to bet on themselves as well!

What advice would you give to women just starting their careers in business travel?
My parents always impressed upon me that if you don’t have integrity, then you have nothing. My advice would be to always do the right thing, even when no one is watching – others don’t have to see the good you do for you to feel good about it. Your character and your word are invaluable, and you shouldn’t compromise them for anyone or anything.

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