Spotlight on Kari Bigot, 2021 WINiT Top 50 Women in Travel Recipient

KariKari Bigot, Vice President and Head of North America Sales for Altour, shares her thoughts on working in business travel and her advice to those just entering the industry.

What do you love about being in business travel?

The collaborative environment that’s fostered by the business travel industry is simply addicting. I love that I can impact and help so many within the industry, whether it’s working closely with clients to better improve their traveler’s experience or working with suppliers to partner on better solutions. The energy our industry possesses is infectious… some of the best colleagues, friends, advisors and competitors around! Business travel is ever-changing and the fast-paced environment gives us an opportunity to constantly evaluate how we can do things better, more efficiently, and the chance to look within ourselves to understand how we can improve.

What advice would you give to women just starting their careers in business travel?

It’s the advice that was given to me from a dear friend when I was getting started: Take criticism or feedback for what it is – a gift to make you better at what you do. But, don’t get hung up on the person or method of delivery used. Instead, glean out the teachable nuggets and move on! Lastly, it’s one we’ve heard a thousand times, but still true today: Dress for the job you want, not the one you’ve got.

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