GBTA Joins A4A and Other Traveler Groups in Opposition to PFCs

GBTA Joins A4A and Other Traveler Groups in Opposition to PFCs

Today GBTA joined several traveler groups in support of Airlines for America’s (A4A) opposition to the proposed near doubling of the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) – or Airport Tax. GBTA is proud to support where you can learn more about the PFC and see why A4A says airports have plenty and passengers have had…

GBTA Supports DOC, DHS Plan to Improve Inbound Air Travelers’ Experience

GBTA Supports DOC, DHS Plan to Improve Inbound Air Travelers’ Experience

Last May, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum calling on the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security to establish a national goal and airport-specific action plans at our largest airports to enhance the arrivals process for international travelers to the United States. On Friday, DOC and DHS delivered on the next step in improving the…


Week in Review

Skift interviewed GBTA’s Mike McCormick this week about the potential hit to the economy if the DHS funding bill doesn’t pass. “It means longer lines, disruption, and a risk of business travelers canceling trips,” McCormick said. Associations Now also weighed in on the potential for dire effects of a Homeland Security shutdown. GBTA often talks…

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Week in Review

The looming threat of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shutdown dominated the news this week – so much so that GBTA created an entire blog post devoted to a round-up of coverage on just this. Check out the latest news here. Also this week, The Hill reported that Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx…