Business Travel is Major Driver of Jobs and GDP Growth in Canada

Business Travel is Major Driver of Jobs and GDP Growth in Canada

GBTA Conference 2015 Toronto wraps up today after three days of networking, education and discussion on key industry issues and trends. One of today’s highlights was a general session presentation from GBTA’s VP of Research Joe Bates talking about the economic impact of business travel on the Canadian economy. Richard Blackwell of The Globe and…

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GBTA Canada Letter to Minister of Transport Regarding Passenger Facilitation at Canadian Airports

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P. Minister of Transport Transport Canada 330 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5   Dear Minister, On behalf of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), I want to thank you and your government for the recent revisions to COVID-19 policies impacting Canadian borders and air transportation workers, along with the…

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Managing Travel Disruptions to Improve Travel

As travel restrictions start to open up there are now different disruptions the travel industry is facing. This podcast explores the issues the industry encountered during the pandemic and the new challenges with releasing restrictions and travelers who are now on the move. We welcome Ben Boracas (IATA – Country Manager – USA & Canada)…

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Check-In with Suzanne

This week’s Check-In with Suzanne Neufang, GBTA CEO comes to you from Brussels where GBTA met with EU legislative leaders on the topic of sustainability in our industry. Legislators heard GBTA’s positions on the topic as well as actions underway and planned to help the industry navigate toward a greener future. Also spotlighted are the…

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Politics of Travel: Elections, Spoken Word and Taxes, oh and Oprah!

My travel and event schedule is back and even expanded compared to 2018! I feel like I have been obligatory Shane youth song and it has been exhilarating! Earlier this month, I was working the GBTA Canada Conference. Much like the Europe Conference in December, the main stage and breakouts all featured thought provoking sessions…

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Check-In with Suzanne

Even though a lot has been changing, “normal” business activities ( i.e., things we did pre-COVID) also importantly continue. For GBTA, that includes the association’s mission across education, advocacy, networking and, of course, in-person conferences and events. Last week’s GBTA Canada Conference in Toronto was a perfect example of back to normal. As in years…

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GBTA Advances Commitment to Sustainable Business Travel in Canada

Toronto, Canada – Sustainability has moved to the front of the agenda for economies, companies and the world at large. It is also a priority for the business travel industry, as revealed in new research from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) where almost 9 in 10 industry respondents say sustainability is already a priority for their…

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Check-In with Suzanne

My business travels this week bring me to the UK where I’m onsite at The Institute of Travel Management’s (ITM) Accelerate event. This marks GBTA’s renewed relationship with ITM but it’s also where I’ll engage in an onstage discussion on a topic that’s important to us all: selling business travel’s value.   One indicator of the…

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Check-In with Suzanne

Spurred by the pandemic and resulting overall societal changes, I’m hearing that companies are reimagining and adapting for a next era in business – which also means a next era for business travel.    New approaches in business travel for fostering client and team connectedness and individual traveler needs must coexist with corporate priorities and bottom-line…