GBTA Urges Congress to Resist Imposing Burdensome Changes on Successful Visa Waiver Program

Alexandria, VA (March 11, 2015) – The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has scheduled a hearing to take place this Thursday, March 12. The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables citizens of European countries and US allies to travel to the United States for up to 90 days without obtaining a visa. The following…

Signs Show Economic Policies in China Having Long Term Positive Impact on Business Travel

Shanghai (March 10, 2015) – The GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), today announces the results of its latest GBTA BTI™ Outlook – China report, a semi-annual analysis that relates unfolding economic events at home and abroad to their resulting impacts on China’s business travel market. The…

早期迹象显示中国经济政策 对商务旅行、经济增长产生长期积极影响

上海(2015 年 3 月 10 日)— GBTA 基金会是全球商务旅行协会 (GBTA) 的教育和研究分支机构,该基金会今天宣布了最新《GBTA BTI™ 展望 – 中国》报告的结果,该报告是一份半年分析报告,将国内外即将发生的经济活动与其结果对中国商务旅行市场带来的影响相联系。该报告由 Visa Inc. 赞助,包括 GBTA BTI™;后者是一个商务旅行支出指数,研究一段时期的市场表现。 2014 年下半年中国经济继续呈“软着陆”态势。所谓“软着陆”是指整体增长逐步趋于稳健,而增长的深层推动因素则从投资与出口转移到消费。中国中央政府巧妙地应用了财政、银行和监管政策,保证了这两个目标的逐步实现,同时还避免了通货膨胀的快速增长和地方政府债务过热。 由于预计中国经济增长放缓以及全球经济的持续不稳定性,与 2014 年下半年发布的展望相比,GBTA 略微下调了对中国商务旅行的预测。2014 年中国的商务旅行总支出增幅达到预期的 16.6%,为 2610 亿美元。GBTA 预计,2015 年将继续增长 14.2%,较之前预测的 18% 有所降低,2016 年将增长 12%,达到 3340 亿美元。 GBTA 执行董事兼首席运营官 Michael W. McCormick 表示:“虽然中国增长放缓,但一切都是相对的。由于中国经济引擎继续以惊人的速度向前发展,使商务旅行支出呈现两位数增长,因此没有其他市场能够与中国相媲美。无论中国是在 2016 年底还是 2017 年初成为全球第一大商务旅行市场,这都不重要 — 重要的是,经济政策显示出对经济产生长期积极影响的迹象,表明未来几年内商务旅行行业的健康繁荣。” Visa 中国副总裁兼产品主管 Stanford Lin 表示:“短期内中国的经济增长预测仍然强劲,预示着商务旅行市场活跃稳固,比全球其他主要市场的发展速度都要快。Visa…

GBTA Supports Amtrak Reform Bill

lexandria, VA (March 4, 2015) – The House today passed the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act (H.R. 749), which makes overdue reforms for Amtrak, including the critical Northeast Corridor. The statement below can be attributed to Michael W. McCormick, Executive Director and COO of the Global Business Travel Association. “The Global Business Travel Association…

GBTA Relieved DHS Shutdown Averted

Alexandria, VA (March 3, 2015) – Today, Congress passed legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security through the rest of this fiscal year, ensuring that the agency will continue to operate normally. The statement below can be attributed to Michael W. McCormick, Executive Director and COO of the Global Business Travel Association. “The Global Business…

GBTA Foundation, Project ICARUS Congratulates InterContinental Hotels Group on Receipt of a Second Sustainability Gold Medal

Alexandria, VA (March 2, 2015) —The GBTA Foundation, the education and research arm of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), and Project ICARUS are proud to announce InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) as a recipient of the prestigious Project ICARUS Sustainability Gold Medal. Gold Medals recognize travel and meeting industry companies who are committed to making…

GBTA Severely Disappointed in Congress’ Failure to Fully Fund DHS

Alexandria, VA (February 28, 2015) – Last night, Congress passed a bill that provides one more week of funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) when legislators will again attempt to pass a full-year funding bill. The statement below can be attributed to Michael W. McCormick, Executive Director and COO of the Global Business…

GBTA назначила первого регионального директора в России

Международная Ассоциация Делового Туризма назначила Татьяну Широкову на должность регионального директора в России. Это первое назначение Ассоциации на российском рынке, куда она вышла в 2013 году.   «С момента своего основания 2 года назад, позиции GBTA Russia на рынке постоянно укреплялись.  Назначение регионального директора стало для нас логичным шагом, так как мы верим в успешное…


GBTA Supports DOC, DHS Plan to Improve Inbound Air Travelers’ Experience

Alexandria, VA (February 13, 2015) – Responding to the Department of Commerce (DOC) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report, “Supporting Travel and Tourism to Grow Our Economy and Create More Jobs: A National Goal on the International Arrivals Process and Airport-Specific Action Plans,” Michael W. McCormick, Executive Director and COO of the Global Business…


GBTA Polls Show Increased Business Travel Resiliency Following Paris Attacks

Alexandria, VA (February 5, 2015) – More than 90 percent of U.S. and European business travel buyers now report that their company’s travel to and within Europe has remained largely unaffected by the Paris terrorist attacks, according to two new polls conducted by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) and its European partner associations. This…