Bringing Innovation to Meetings & Events

Bringing Innovation to Meetings & Events

Innovation Row exhibitor Nour Mouakke, Founder and CEO of Wizme, joined GBTA’s Mike McCormick at our Broadcast Studio in Frankfurt. Nour shared that his time in the hospitality industry inspired him to create his start-up as he saw outdated systems used for booking on the hotel side and buyers who lacked visibility into the process.

DOT Launches Forces to Flyers Initiative

DOT Launches Forces to Flyers Initiative

Today, the Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao, announced a new initiative to support military veterans as they prepare for careers as airline pilots. Forces to Flyers is a three-year program aimed at helping our veterans receive the training they need to become certified as new commercial pilots, preserving and increasing air service to rural and…

Wisconsin BTA Hosts Travel Talk Roundtable with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI)

*The following is a guest blog post by Ann Brennan, executive vice president of GBTA – Wisconsin* This past August, the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) and the Wisconsin Business Travel Association hosted our first ever, “Travel Talk Roundtable” with U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee,…

The Convergence of First-Time Exhibitors

Nearly three months ago marked the final day of our 49th annual Convention in Boston. GBTA Convention 2017 featured over 400 exhibitors, including nearly 100 first-time exhibitors, giving both buyers and suppliers the unique opportunity to establish new relationships as well as fortify existing ones. GBTA has long been a proponent of face-to-face meetings and…

Creating a Frictionless Travel Experience – Part 1
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Creating a Frictionless Travel Experience – Part 1

The GBTA Foundation, in partnership with Sabre Corporation, set out to explore the topic of traveler friction around the world. The recently released study looked at traveler friction from both the business traveler perspective and also from the perspective of the managed travel and human resource professional. The objective was to identify the main challenges…

Business Travel’s Influence on Employee Retention, Recruitment and Results

Earlier this week, the GBTA Foundation released a new study, in partnership with Sabre Corporation, focused on creating a frictionless travel experience. The study surveyed business travelers across the globe and revealed the dramatic impact business travel has on employee retention, recruitment and results. Three R’s that are important to every company’s bottom line. Retention…