GBTA to Offer Online Strategic Meetings Management Courses Beginning This Month

GBTA to Offer Online Strategic Meetings Management Courses Beginning This Month

GBTA prides itself on being the leader in delivering high-quality education designed to power the careers of business travel professionals at every level. Given that over half of our convention attendees and so many of our members engage with meetings as part of their job responsibilities, we wanted to design a new program focused on…

Week in Review
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Week in Review

According to Business Traveller, new biometric gates are being trialed at Heathrow International Airport to speed up the screening process. The same source reports faster security screening machines are being used at United’s Newark terminal in efforts to cut delays. A new GBTA Foundation study, in partnership with AIG Travel, revealed opportunity exists for travel…

GBTA EU Hotel Committee Explores Hotel Program Savings Calculation Methods

GBTA EU Hotel Committee Explores Hotel Program Savings Calculation Methods

*The GBTA EU Hotel Committee contributed the following blog post.* Do you know the most often-used methods for hotel program savings calculation in Europe? The GBTA Foundation conducted a survey in Europe to investigate how European travel buyers are calculating hotel savings. Based on the survey results, the GBTA EU Hotel Committee created a resource…

Update on the “Travel Ban”

Update on the “Travel Ban”

On March 6, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order called “Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry to the United States.” The White House issued the order largely in response to court challenges made against another Executive Order signed on January 27. As we noted in an earlier blog post, the effective…

Brexit’s Article 50 is Triggered: The Future of Business Travel in Europe is at Stake

Brexit’s Article 50 is Triggered: The Future of Business Travel in Europe is at Stake

This afternoon in Brussels, GBTA met various leaders including Mr. Tim Figures, Head of the Competitiveness and Market department as part of the Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom to the European Union on this historical day in the future of Europe. Article 50 has been delivered at approximately 12:30pm Brussels local time today. Last…

Win VIP Seats to Convention Arena Luncheon ft. Michael Phelps

Win VIP Seats to Convention Arena Luncheon ft. Michael Phelps

Exhibitors, want to win two (2) VIP seats to Convention Arena Luncheon featuring Michael Phelps on Wednesday, July 19? Now’s your chance! To enter, simply register to exhibit at GBTA Convention 2017 by March 24 and retweet the prompt, “Why do you exhibit at GBTA Convention?” with an answer as to why you exhibit. Prompts…

GBTA Urges EU and U.S. Cooperation on Continued Visa Waiver Reciprocity

GBTA Urges EU and U.S. Cooperation on Continued Visa Waiver Reciprocity

On Thursday March 2nd, the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution calling upon the European Commission to reintroduce a visa requirement for Americans traveling to Europe unless political issues over visa reciprocity between the regions are resolved in the next two months. The issue centers on visa exemption reciprocity for all members of the European…