Message from the Office of the GBTA President – Honoring Outstanding Members

Message from the Office of the GBTA President – Honoring Outstanding Members

*The following blog post was originally sent as an email to GBTA Members on Friday, August  19.* Earlier this week I sent you a note about all the happenings at GBTA Convention 2016 and what is in store for the year ahead. It is an exciting time for GBTA and given that members are the…

Using Social Media During Business Travel: How Much Sharing is Going On?

Using Social Media During Business Travel: How Much Sharing is Going On?

In just a few short years, social media has gone from the domain of a few techies and college students to one of the main avenues that people use to communicate with one another. Indeed for some, it has become a truism that, “if it’s not on social media, it didn’t happen.” Given social media’s…

Moving Beyond Apps: Making Mobile More Strategic

Moving Beyond Apps: Making Mobile More Strategic

A large majority – almost 7 in 10 (69 percent) – of travel professionals indicate their travel program does not have a mobile strategy in place, according to new research by the GBTA Foundation in partnership with Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) and the Carlson Family Foundation. However, of the travel programs that have not adopted…

The Brexit Conundrum

The Brexit Conundrum

Despite the stark warnings of many prominent economists, analysts and financial experts, on 23 June the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU. The nation which boasts the mother of parliaments exercised its democratic right through a referendum to go against the perceived wisdom and strike out into the unknown. Since then…

Business Travelers and Technology: Embracing Self-Service and Personalized Travel Options
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Business Travelers and Technology: Embracing Self-Service and Personalized Travel Options

Embracing technology is nothing new to the business traveler. The Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. has a vintage travel insurance machine on display that used to be a fixture at airports around the world. The machines were designed for the traveler who needed a little bit more peace of mind regarding the security…

Message from the Office of the GBTA President – Convention Recap and Look Ahead

Message from the Office of the GBTA President – Convention Recap and Look Ahead

*The following blog post was originally sent as an email to GBTA Members.* It was such a pleasure seeing so many of you last month in Denver at GBTA Convention 2016. With more than 6,500 attendees and our first time in history to sell out 100 percent of the exhibition floor, it was our biggest…

Accor Hotels COO Talks M&A with GBTA

Accor Hotels COO Talks M&A with GBTA

Days before the start of GBTA Convention 2016 AccorHotels completed their acquisition of FRHI Hotels & Resorts, making newly apointed AccorHotels COO Kevin Frid a great person to talk to about one of the industry’s hottest topics – mergers and acquisitions. During a time of unprecedented consolidation in the travel industry, GBTA Executive Director and…