Satisfied With Your TMC?

Today, the GBTA Foundation released a study showing travel managers in both the United States and Latin America report high levels of satisfaction with their Travel Management Company (TMC). Not surprisingly, cost and savings were considered key factors in both regions when it comes to considering what TMC to use. The study, “What Drives Travel…

China Business Travel Spend Continues Growing at Double Digit Paces

Today we released our latest forecast for the Chinese business travel market – and it continues to grow at a double digit pace. In fact, GBTA forecasts China’s total business travel spend to grow 15.9 percent in 2014 to $262 billion USD and another 18 percent in 2015. The unprecedented growth in China’s economy has…

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Last Week in Review

The Last Week in Review keeps you up-to-date on the latest business travel news. Last week’s GBTA poll on how North American businesses are reacting to the Ebola situation continues to make news with coverage in Roll Call. GBTA Executive Director Mike McCormick once again spoke with the New York Times about the importance of…

Outside Pressures and Struggling Domestic Economy Means Slower Business Travel Growth in Brazil

Outside Pressures and Struggling Domestic Economy Means Slower Business Travel Growth in Brazil

In a report released earlier this week, the GBTA Foundation is forecasting slower growth for Brazil’s business travel spend. Brazil’s struggling domestic economy and the troubled regional economy are key factors in GBTA Foundation’s significant downgrade to business travel spend growth for the country. GBTA expects 3.6 percent growth in 2014 and 4.1 percent in…


Bumps in the Road – The Cost of Travel Mishaps

Last week the GBTA Foundation released a study that looked at the cost of travel mishaps. As a road warrior, chances are you have been there and done that as 75 percent of travelers encountered a mishap while traveling for business in the last year. When these mishaps occur, it costs the traveler time and…