GBTA Convention First Timers Luncheon to Feature CSI Creator and Executive Producer Anthony Zuiker

GBTA Convention First Timers Luncheon to Feature CSI Creator and Executive Producer Anthony Zuiker

The First-Time Attendee Orientation & Luncheon is always a highlight of Convention for new attendees. This year it will take place on Sunday, July 27 from 11:30-1:30. Not only will attendees get briefed on how to navigate their first Convention experience, they will also learn the ins and outs of the benefits of GBTA membership….

GBTA Cares: Clean the World

GBTA Convention 2014 is officially underway in Los Angeles! Starting on Saturday with Convention Kick-Start, attendees had the chance to choose from an array of offerings including educational opportunities, workshops, networking events and more. As part of the Kick-Start events, more than 40 volunteers joined together for the annual GBTA Cares Service Project. This year…


Delta’s Anderson To Make First Ever Appearance at GBTA Convention

I was very pleased when Delta CEO Richard Anderson accepted our invitation to be a featured speaker at this year’s 2014 GBTA Convention. This will be his first appearance on stage at a GBTA event, and since Richard does not make many appearances like this, we are glad he chose to share his insights with…

American Airlines’ Chief Doug Parker Returns to GBTA Convention

American Airlines’ Chief Doug Parker Returns to GBTA Convention

We have been on a roll lately announcing featured speakers for our GBTA Convention 2014 this July in Los Angeles. If you haven’t heard yet, Kevin Spacey (or “President Underwood” if you are a House of Cards fan) will be presenting live in Convention Arena on Monday, July 28. Throughout the week at Center Stage,…


Brazil Ascends World Rankings to Become 8th Largest Business Travel Market

Today, the GBTA Foundation released its latest semi-annual business travel forecast for Brazil. It shows Brazil’s business travel industry moved up one spot in the rankings from last year to become the 8th largest business travel market in the world. And, if Brazil can maintain its overall economic growth levels experienced since 2005, GBTA expects…

Announcing GBTA Ladders

Announcing GBTA Ladders

(Reposting from an email issued on April 20, 2014 to GBTA members) Dear GBTA Members, We are writing to tell you about an exciting new program: GBTA Ladders.  The Ladders program pairs rising young stars from all parts of the travel industry with superstar industry veterans. Essentially a mentoring program, Ladders gives younger members an opportunity to…

Concur CEO Coming to GBTA Convention’s Center Stage

Concur CEO Coming to GBTA Convention’s Center Stage

I was very pleased when Steve Singh, Concur CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, accepted our invitation to be a featured speaker at this year’s 2014 GBTA Convention. As the chairman of the GBTA Foundation, Steve is no newcomer to GBTA events. Thoughtful and innovative, Steve embodies entrepreneurial thinking and his vision about…

Navigating the Wonderful World of Corporate Travel: The Advice I Wish I Had Received Eight Years Ago

Navigating the Wonderful World of Corporate Travel: The Advice I Wish I Had Received Eight Years Ago

As promised, here is the second blog posting in our series from the finalists from the GBTA Ladders Program.  Great Advice!  Thank you, Damar! I’m sure you figured out from the title that I have been part of the corporate travel industry for almost eight years now.  I had the privilege of spending the first…