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Check-In with Suzanne

This week marks another “first” in getting back to business travel as well as face-to-face GBTA events. Over 120 GBTA chapter leaders from across the U.S. are gathering for the first time since 2020 for the GBTA Leadership Summit in Tampa, FL, to learn, develop, network and collaborate.   GBTA’s 38 U.S. chapters and their volunteer members…

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Check-In with Suzanne

GBTA continues to get back to business around the world. And we continue to be bolstered by our active and knowledgeable volunteers working across the local, regional and global levels.   Last week’s GBTA Europe Town Hall – the first for 2022 and hosted by Catherine Logan, GBTA Regional Vice President, EMEA – (virtually) welcomed…

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Check-in with Suzanne

It feels like only yesterday that we wrapped the 2021 GBTA Convention in Orlando. Yet, we’re fully focused now on the 2022 Convention, August 14-17 in San Diego, CA, and registration will open soon. (Sign up for updates!)  And thanks to your 2021 post-Convention feedback, we are building on both our successes and areas needing improvement for 2022 to Re(Connect), Re(Imagine) and (Re)Create to deliver the most relevant and engaging events in the COVID-era.  And by the way, we hit an all-time response record for attendee feedback! The diversity and quantity of feedback will play a significant…


Long-Term Global Business Travel Outlook Remains Strong But Omicron Variant Dampens Near-Term Momentum 

Alexandria, VA  – New variant developments, government restrictions, and international policy inconsistencies are currently hindering a more accelerated return for global business travel. However, the industry continues to reflect progress and optimism in its long–view expectations for 2022, according to the latest poll from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), the world’s largest business travel association and leader in education, research, networking and advocacy.  “Here at the start of a new year, the business travel industry and business travelers continue to face a dynamically changing landscape due to Omicron. One comment received from a poll respondent readily sums it up: ‘Uncertainty is a…

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New International Border Openings Set to Accelerate Lift in Business Travel

Optimistic signs of return and tangible recovery in the business travel sector could be seen over the past month. In the latest poll from The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), half (52%) of industry respondents reported more optimism compared to September. October also saw an increase to 66% of those polled who said their companies…

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Business Travel Continues Slowed Recovery While Some Companies Consider New Travel Program Approaches

Alexandria, VA – Despite continuing to report an overall willingness and optimism for the return to business travel, business travel industry sentiment continues to waver, due to ongoing uncertainty around the Delta variant and other variants. However, indicators show companies and their corporate travel managers may be looking at new focus areas and ways of working…


Business Travel Continues Moving Forward But Uncertainty Around Variants Impacts More Accelerated Recovery

Alexandria, VA – The business travel industry continues to report an overall willingness and optimism about the return to business travel. However, the rise of the Delta variant and other variants has become a cause for uncertainty and increased concern over the past month. This is according to the latest poll from The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) – the world’s largest business travel association and worldwide leader in education, research, networking, and advocacy for the industry.   This poll is the 22nd in a series tracking the pulse of GBTA’s membership of global…

GBTA Statement on U.S. Capitol Violence

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) has a decades-long tradition of working with both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. and around the country. At the heart of these efforts stands a profound respect for democracy, for freedom and for practical problem-solving before partisanship. The actions and rhetoric that led to rioters storming the U.S….

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Check in with Suzanne

Hello everyone –   Nothing is more important in our industry than restarting business travel safely on an international basis. So, with the G7 face to face meeting concluding last weekend, I wanted to let you know of GBTA’s active pursuit these past several days to strongly encourage these and other EU governments to (a)…

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Check in with Suzanne

Hello everyone –   So much is happening in the thawing of COVID-frozen borders – I’d like to focus on Europe this week. The EU Council and Parliament recently agreed to introduce “EU digital Covid certificates” to facilitate free movement across Europe beginning July 1. As news from the EU progresses on its borders opening…