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GBTA Canada Letter to Minister of Transport Regarding Passenger Facilitation at Canadian Airports

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P. Minister of Transport Transport Canada 330 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5   Dear Minister, On behalf of the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), I want to thank you and your government for the recent revisions to COVID-19 policies impacting Canadian borders and air transportation workers, along with the…

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Check-In with Suzanne

Do you remember where you were when the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020? This month finds many of us reflecting on the past two years and how “normal” feels like a lifetime ago – not only for the world and for us personally, but also for the business…

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Check-in with Suzanne

We used to know the rules of the road when it came to business travel: where travelers could go, how they could get there, and the steps to needed to make it happen. But the pandemic was a great disruptor, and uncertainty now challenges the road back.  That’s why GBTA has focused advocacy efforts on…

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Check-In with Suzanne

This week marks another “first” in getting back to business travel as well as face-to-face GBTA events. Over 120 GBTA chapter leaders from across the U.S. are gathering for the first time since 2020 for the GBTA Leadership Summit in Tampa, FL, to learn, develop, network and collaborate.   GBTA’s 38 U.S. chapters and their volunteer members…

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Check-In with Suzanne

GBTA continues to get back to business around the world. And we continue to be bolstered by our active and knowledgeable volunteers working across the local, regional and global levels.   Last week’s GBTA Europe Town Hall – the first for 2022 and hosted by Catherine Logan, GBTA Regional Vice President, EMEA – (virtually) welcomed…


GBTA Urges Resolution of 5G Rollout Concerns Related To Air Travel Safety

January 19, 2022- Recent uncertainty and concerns have arisen around the potential disruptions and impact on air travel related to the rollout of high speed 5G networks in the U.S. Mid-day reports show little impact due to the agreement to minimize the use of 5G around airports. GBTA is pleased with today’s results, but questions remain. To that end, GBTA urges all stakeholders involved to quickly address and resolve the…

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GBTA’s Suzanne Neufang Testifies On Business Travel and Travel Recovery For Senate Subcommittee Hearing

Suzanne Neufang, GBTA CEO, was among the experts who testified before a Senate subcommittee on reviving the travel and tourism industry. Witnesses provided the Committee with feedback on the Travel and Tourism Act, bipartisan legislation aimed at helping the industry recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch Suzanne’s six-minute opening statement below or read the written…

What Travelers Need to Know About REAL ID

On October 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will implement the final phase of REAL ID enforcement, requiring Americans to present a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or another acceptable form of authenticated ID to go through airport security checkpoints. REAL ID refers to a set of security standards established by Congress in 2005…

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GBTA Urges for Enhanced Transatlantic Cooperation to Restore Safe Travels

Brussels — GBTA, the Global Business Travel Association, reiterates the importance of cooperation between the EU, Canada and the US to restore safe travels and reboot the economy. GBTA is urging the European Commission, EU governments, Ottawa, and the White House to pursue talks to find a resolution for transatlantic travel, based on reciprocity, proportionality,…

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56% Travel Buyers Have Revised Their Travel Policy in Light of COVID-19

Alexandria, VA – As signs of recovery continue in the business travel sector, travel procurement professionals are prioritizing the health and safety of employees according to a new poll released today by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA). Over half of travel buyers report their company has changed its travel policy and 70% characterize the…