
Check-In with Suzanne:

Getting Back Out And About 

Many are enjoying the last days of seasonal breaks, kids are headed back to school, and the last business quarter of 2021 is around the corner. And typically, the weeks ahead are busy ones for business travel, meetings and conferences. But thanks to the realities of the ongoing pandemic, again this year, the world looks different.  

And that includes for GBTA’s Convention in Orlando, November 17-19. We know you’ve been prioritizing your health and safety and we are, too.  

We look forward to gathering again at the industry’s flagship event which will bring us together for the first time in almost two years. Many of you, I know, are eager to attend as well. But we also understand everyone must pick the path that is right or available for them. 

The health and safety of our Convention attendees, employees, and teams is a top priority. Many of our protocols have been elevated beyond those recommended by Center for Disease Control (CDC), State of Florida, and the Orange County Convention Center. You can find extensive details on our COVID-19 protocols on the GBTA Convention website. Here are just a few of the measures in place: 

  • In accordance with CDC recommendations, GBTA will require all Convention attendees to present proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within the last three days prior to entry into the Convention Center. Attendees may voluntarily opt out of the pre-arrival COVID-19 testing requirement by voluntarily presenting proof of vaccination. 
  • Required use of masks by all attendees, staff, and vendors while inside the Convention Center. 
  • Limited attendance, seating capacity, wider expo hall aisles, and distancing signage aligned to the latest social distancing protocols. 
  • Enhanced cleaning protocols and hand sanitizer stations in GBTA meeting and event spaces. 
  • Socially distant food and beverage set-ups including individually packaged lunches. 

Together we will help ensure health and safety for you and others onsite, while also modeling safe event protocols to the industry. On a daily basis, the GBTA team continues to monitor new developments and is also in weekly contact with Orlando to gauge the situation there.  

We’ll keep you updated via the convention website and emails, including options that will be available for virtual Convention participation.  

Coming together is so important. Our entire industry is all about connection. Connecting to do business, to build and foster relationships, and to collaborate and work together to get things done. At GBTA, we are committed to bringing you a productive, engaging, safe and enjoyable event. We look forward to seeing you at Convention 2021!  



News To Know 

Marriott International Expands its Connect with Confidence Program to the Caribbean and Latin American Regions 

In August 2020, Marriot introduced Connect with Confidence, a program with new content related to Covid-19, including floor plans modified for physical distancing and enhanced virtual and hybrid meetings solutions. The program partnered with other companies to provide new hybrid meeting options, which are now accessible throughout the Caribbean and Latin America region hotels. 

Tourism Association of Canada ‘caught off guard’ by US travel advisory for Canada 

The US State Department urged Americans to “reconsider” travel to Canada on Monday, setting the new travel advisory to Level 3. The Tourism Industry Association of Canada says the decision will further hurt the country’s battered tourism sector, especially ahead of the Labour Day weekend, the first holiday in which Americans are able to travel across the land border. “Our current data shows hotels are still operating more than 40 per cent below industry norms on average, and this will only make things worse,” said Susie Grynol, President & CEO of Hotel Association of Canada. 


GBTA News & Reminders 

Tech Safari: Sustainability in Corporate Travel 

The Tech Safari Series showcases new technologies launching cutting-edge solutions In this edition, we focus on startups providing solutions to corporations to help them meet sustainability targets across their travel spend. Learn more about featured companies Emburse, Thrust Carbon, and Cloverly and register for the event, free for all GBTA members. 

Guide to ISO31030 Implementation  

Take part in GBTA’s Travel Risk Management Bootcamp: Understanding and Implementing ISO31030. This one-day virtual course, led by travel risk management experts Global Secure Accreditation in conjunction with GBTA and the Anvil Group, is designed to give practical guidance to anyone involved in building and managing corporate travel programs. Learn more about the course and featured speakers here. 


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