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Check-In with Suzanne

This week’s Check-In with Suzanne Neufang, GBTA CEO comes to you from Brussels where GBTA met with EU legislative leaders on the topic of sustainability in our industry. Legislators heard GBTA’s positions on the topic as well as actions underway and planned to help the industry navigate toward a greener future. Also spotlighted are the recently released “GBTA State of Sustainability in Global Business Travel” Report and November’s first-ever GBTA Sustainability Summit in Brussels.

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Government of Canada Working with Airports and Air Carriers to Reduce Airport Wait Times

The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport, and the Honourable Marco Mendicino, Minister of Public Safety, issued this statement today to provide an update on actions the government is taking to reduce wait times at Canadian airports:

“The Government of Canada recognizes the impact that significant wait times at some Canadian airports are having on travellers. It is great news that more and more Canadians are choosing to travel. As travel volume surges, there are reports of delays in many aspects of travel: Canadian customs, United States customs, airport security screening, luggage handling, airline services, taxis and limos, among many other areas… (GOVERNMENT OF CANADA) Continue Reading

US Hotel Occupancy Keeps Pace with Peak Summer 2021 Levels as Urban Markets Rebound

The signs of summer are here for the U.S. hotel industry, and some of the nation’s top urban markets are showing consistent evidence of recovery. Increased group and business travel, graduations, and elevated leisure trips drove solid hotel performance during the week of May 15-21, and the industry is gaining momentum for the summer months of peak leisure demand. (COSTAR) Continue Reading

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