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Check-In with Suzanne

As the calendar heads into July, for GBTA it means accelerated momentum as we – and many of you – continue on the road toward GBTA Convention 2022 in San Diego, August 14-17.   


With several weeks still to go, 800+ travel buyers have already registered for Convention. It’s in times of challenge and change that coming together makes such a difference in how we can impact our present and future. Interestingly, we are seeing increased attendee registrations from small- and medium-sized companies, in addition to large enterprise organizations. Add to that, the mix of major traditional plus new suppliers who are sponsoring and exhibiting – along with our first ever Sustainability Pavilion – and it’s a perfect recipe for unmatched business connections, peer-to-peer discussions, and learning opportunities. (We’re here to help if you need to convince your boss.) Take advantage of discounted registration before rates increase on July 20 at 11:59pm ET. 


And today in Paris, GBTA is hosting one of our highly successful regional events: GBTA France Masterclass 2022. Expert buyers and suppliers across the travel and MICE sectors will get down to business today while listening, learning and engaging with speakers, partners and exhibitors. This annual flagship event for GBTA France is an “unsung hero” in how it takes travel management truly “local” – delivering global perspectives while addressing unique regional requirements of importance to attendees.  

Masterclass 2022 also represents a new milestone for how GBTA is moving toward being greener as an organization. Serving as a model for this and future GBTA events, we are pleased to share that the 2022 Masterclass has earned the Silver LEAD certification (which stands for Label Evénements à Ambition Durable). This is the first label that evaluates the results of an event in terms of eco-responsibility. Created by global testing, inspection and certification company, SGS, and Green Events which offers support, their LEAD certification for sustainable events is based on 12 criteria of excellence across dimensions including zero waste, net zero carbon / low carbon and positive social impact. 

Here’s to more change, progress and creating a better future for our industry. 


News to Know:

EU invites proposals for new long-distance train services

The European Commission is inviting proposals for new cross-border, long-distance rail services around the continent.The initiative is part of the commission’s Rail Action Plan to boost long-distance and cross-border train passenger services in Europe, which was first launched in late 2021.The invitation to submit pilot plans for these rail services was officially opened last week during Connection Europe Days held in Lyon.

UK government ‘accelerates’ aviation security checks to ease disruption

The UK government has “accelerated” the time taken for new aviation staff to pass security checks as part of its push to ease the disruption at airports this summer.The effort to speed up security check processes is a key part of the government’s 22-point plan published last week to address aviation disruption. Airlines and airports have blamed the time taken for new employees to pass security checks as one of the key problems for the sector.

Corporate Travel Rebound May Have Plateaued, Suppliers Still Have Pricing Power

Travel demand remains strong but there are some signs of a cool-off in corporate travel. Nevertheless, buyers should not expect the sting to come out of travel prices anytime soon as supply and demand remain out of whack. According to American Express Company, after domestic U.S. consumer travel surpassed its pre-pandemic level in the first quarter of this year, international consumers and other segments — except Fortune 100-type clients — also are back to a pre-Covid pace. Amex CFO Jeff Campbell said.


GBTA News and Reminders:

GBTA Annual Business Meeting and Candidate Forum

GBTA will hold its virtual Annual Business Meeting and Candidate Forum. This is your chance to gain insights on important GBTA business and especially to hear directly from the candidates running for three available Board seats. Meeting topics will include the Annual Report and GBTA Board of Directors Candidate/Election Forum. You can view the candidates here.

GBTA Convention 2022

We’re getting back to business travel and back to business. GBTA Convention 2022 will bring together the best of the best from around the industry and beyond to re-connect, re-imagine and re-create the future of business travel.

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