
Check in with Suzanne

Now More Than Ever, #BusinessNeedsTravel

Hello Everyone,

As we crossed into the month of May this past weekend, we’re now firmly into the heart of our industry’s – and association’s – building-back period.

  1. The Votes are in! For GBTA Bylaw Set 1, that is. Direct Members voted in record numbers and approved all 3 amendments put forward by the volunteer Member Bylaw Taskforce. Read the full statement here. As of today:
    1. Both Direct and Allied Members can vote on future proposed Bylaw changes. (The next critical set arrives in your inboxes Thursday May 6.) More details here.
    2. Indirect and Affiliate Member categories were re-defined.
    3. Timelines and eligibility criteria were eased regarding election cycles to make it easier for more candidates to run for board and officer seats.
  2. Call for board nominations May 6-27 is the period within which you can nominate or be nominated for a board or officer seat. We are looking for engaged members to step up to the challenge to serve on our board of directors! Qualification and information on nominations can be found here.
  3. Push for US-UK Safe Restart of Travel Yesterday we joined forces with nearly 50 business and leisure travel-related organizations in writing to the Biden (US) and Johnson (UK) Administrations to precede the important, upcoming G7 meeting by reopening the US-UK corridor for travel. The full letter is available here.

Thanks to those of you who consistently continue to to complete the COVID-19 polling we conduct every month – and for participating in the other research we regularly send your way. Coming out of this pandemic with data-backed strategies will help all of us to get the timing, policies, and traveler-centric approaches right for the return to offices and return to smart business travel.


Other spotlights:

  • May is “Ready. Safe. Travel. Training” Month: We’ve been telling you about this exciting new program, and the start date is finally here! The first session of this virtual, industry-wide training program is tomorrow, May 5 (with the remaining sessions on May 12, 19 and 26). It’s not too late to register and become a Ready. Safe. Travel. Specialist by taking advantage of the specially curated content that will help transition business travel, meetings, and its practices beyond the pandemic. Click here to register.


News to Know

Companies Continue Projecting a Rise in Business Travel: Last week, American Express reported spending on corporate cards was up, with 2021 Q1-billed business down just 10 percent over 2020 Q1 and year-over-year spending declines improving each quarter. JetBlue joined the chorus, saying about business travel: “As we stay close and talk with our largest customers, we expect to see a phased approach as they get through the summer, especially as they return to office in the late summer and early fall, and they expect to really accelerate travel in the September-October timeframe.” And during an earnings call, the Wyndham Hotels & Resorts president and CEO said “business travel bookings allowed our hotels to stay open and never close, and it continues to pick up.”

 EU is One Step Closer to Adopting a Digital Travel Certificate: Last week, the European Parliament voted to introduce a unified, digital “EU COVID-19 Certificate” that would do away with any additional COVID restrictions for vaccinated travelers. GBTA issued public support of the vote as an important step in providing confidence to companies looking to resume business travel. Next, negotiations begin between the European Parliament and the European Council regarding how to implement the certificates. GBTA will continue to lobby and advocate for the adoption of this proposal.

Vaccine Passports Coming to Canada: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week said that vaccine certificates are “naturally to be expected when it comes to this pandemic and the coronavirus” which was followed by federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu saying government will make sure such certificates are in place so Canadians can travel internationally.


GBTA News & Reminders

Sign Up for Thursday’s WINiTIn45 Session: This series of high impact conversations delivered with a low time commitment, is presenting its next session May 6: WINiT Wherever You Stand – Job Holder or Job Seeker. This free webinar, hosted by WINiT Founder and Vice Chair Mick Lee, will deliver actionable tips on networking for your next opportunity and how to add value where you are. Register today.

GBTA Academy Scholarship Program: Did you know about our scholarships that allow GBTA members increased access to valuable education opportunities? Any GBTA member or Chapter member can apply. Click here to access the scholarship application and a list of courses for which the scholarship funds can be used.

Save the Date! On July 20, GBTA will hold a special virtual event with valuable content including a mid-year Association update and Business Meeting, timely education sessions and the announcement of the election results of the new Board members. Further details on these sessions will be released soon.


Have a wonderful week.



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