Crisis of Confidence? Remember: You’ve Got This!
In this feature series, GBTA’s Board of Directors share their views on topics that matter most to members, the industry and the way forward for business travel. Today’s guest author is GBTA Board member Barbara Rose, Americas Travel, M&E Lead at EY.
Have you ever had one of those days where you looked at your to do list and felt overwhelmed? Or you wonder why you said yes to that new assignment, task or project? Have you questioned if you are or will be successful?
I know I have. Last year I had a “crisis of confidence” and the last thing I thought was “I have got this!”
Thankfully, over the years I have created an outstanding network of buyers and suppliers who have helped me learn and grow. Leaning on these friends across the global business travel community, including my colleagues on the GBTA Board and my amazing team at EY, helped me manage this challenging time. The funny thing is, so many people were there for me without me having to ask. Small gestures like an email simply saying hello, a cup of coffee, a picture from times past, all served to remind me that I actually do have this, no matter what “this” was.
With this experience I wanted to share that I am confident you “have got this” and remind you of the impact kind words of encouragement, a note to say hello and/or a friendly greeting can have.
Individually, you already have achieved so much! Think about it… every day working through emails, collaborating with your team, staying up on trends with GBTA Daily News Brief all whilst driving the global business travel industry forward. But, most importantly, you make a difference when you actively engage with colleagues, check in on them and let them know they matter.
We work in a dynamic, fast-paced and ever-changing industry where learning, growing and celebrating each other’s success is at its core, and realizing this is how I came out on the other side of my crisis of confidence.
When you look back on times when you were tested, I hope like me, you will experience gratitude, understand how every challenge made you stronger and more resilient but most importantly, the value of friendship and community!
So, no matter what is happening in your career, know we’ve all “got this” – together.