The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management™
VirtualDesigned as a comprehensive guide to the key areas of managed travel, GBTA’s Fundamentals curriculum includes a full range of topics including safety, policy, trends, performance, and more. Participants in...
Convergenza tra Business Travel e Mobilità: Impatti e Opportunità
Tema Durante il Webinar GBTA Italia gratuito verranno illustrati i fattori abilitanti, l'integrabilità e la Travel Culture che determinano la convergenza tra mobilità e Business Travel. Assunto che il concetto...
Tennessee Chapter – Taking Care of Business (Travel): Suppliers share post pandemic state of the union
After the pandemic caused business travel to come to a halt, the future of business travel became unclear. Come hear from a panel of knowledgeable travel industry professionals to hear...
Hotel RFP trends – GTP Credit Approved
Join us as we discuss the latest RFP trends from hotels as business picks up and the industry gears up for the 2024 RFP season. Find out the additional challenges...
GBTA | Puget Sound – SEA Airport Update
SEA Airport Update Don't miss out on one of our most attended meetings during the year at the SEA Airport. Hopefully, by now some of you have experienced their International...
The Sustainability Journey from a Hotel Perspective
Brought to by the GBTA Sustainability Committee APAC Join us for a fireside chat with John Timson, VP of Sustainability and Safety with Accor Hotels. Diving into topics such as...
GBTA Oregon Presents: July 2023 Educational Lunch -Buyers Panel – GTP Credit Approved
The role of travel buyer or ‘Travel Manager’ is rolled into varying functional areas at most companies. These might include Sourcing, Accounting, Human Resources, Administration or Indirect Procurement. Join us...
GBTA Bay Area Chapter – DEI – Spotlight on Disability, Mobility and Accessibility in Travel – GTP Credit Approved
Come out and join the GBTA|Bay Area DEI team as we have planned a wonderful event: Spotlight on Disability, Mobility and Accessibility in Travel. Our main speaker is a vision...
GBTA Annual Business Meeting
Times: 11:00 EDT | 17:00 CEST Join GBTA leaders for a review of the state of the association, key milestones and what's ahead at the GBTA's 2023 Annual Business Meeting, to...
How to reduce the complexity of global travel programs
Hear how travel program leaders at Microsoft and Electronic Arts (EA) are navigating the biggest challenges of global travel programs, including content access, policy management, servicing, analytics, and sustainability –...
Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™
in-personThe Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™ course builds off of the Fundamentals curriculum to aid business travel professionals in increasing their knowledge of the industry while also expanding on...
GBTA Convention 2023
From serving the ongoing needs of business travel professionals to looking ahead to what’s needed most now by travel buyers, suppliers, business travelers and others, GBTA Convention returns for its...
Tennessee Chapter – The Generational Divide: What Does Sustainability Mean to You?
What does sustainability mean to you? Come hear from a generational panel who will share their wisdom, experience, energy and ideas on how we can be sustainably active in our...
Wisconsin BTA – Bridging the Buyer/Supplier Gap – GTP Credit Approved
This event's highlight is a breakout session like no other, designed to bridge the gap between suppliers and buyers. During the session, suppliers and buyers will meet separately to candidly...
Utah Chapter – Monthly Meeting and Luncheon – GTP Credit Approved
Transportation Security Administration Update - TSA improvements and how this affects the business traveler and "best practice" when travelling through TSA checkpoints Location of Event Airport Board Room, Third Level...
GBTA Oregon & Puget Sound Education Day 2023
Agenda 7:00 AM Registration Opens 7:30AM Breakfast Buffet Opens 8:15AM "Creating a Culture of Belonging" - Diana S. Cutaia, Coaching Peace It’s proven that fostering a culture of belonging improves...
North Central Chapter – How to build your Travel Business Case—Winning Over Internal and External Stakeholders
How to build your Travel Business Case—Winning Over Internal and External Stakeholders: In a changing market, how can you best understand and capture a business travel partner’s drivers and present...
GBTA Philadelphia – 2023 Education Day
Educational Sessions Include Fleet Management 101 Globalizing a Regional Policy & Safety Corporate Card NDC 2.0 Deep Dive Panel Full Agenda Coming Soon! Event Sponsor Singapore Airlines SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE!...
GBTA-Rocky Mountain Chapter – 2023 Golf, Paint & Sip and Auction
GBTA-RMC is excited to introduce an intuitive and easy-to-use online & mobile bidding silent auction. We have created a simple auction online where donating AND bidding can take place as...
GBTA APAC Conference 2023 – Singapore
The GBTA APAC Conference 2023 – Singapore will bring together the business travel community to network, learn from industry experts and benefit from peer-to- peer education. Tapping into the...
Power Panel: Women in Travel Leadership from STEM and Financial Backgrounds
STEM and financial services have historically been disproportionately male dominated fields, and not typical feeders into the travel industry. As more women follow this career path, however, we look to...
Puget Sound Chapter – The Problems and Solutions to Corporate Travel “Leakage”
Ever since technology was introduced into the corporate travel landscape, the ability for travelers to have a plethora of options in their bookings has led to multiple challenges for both...
DC GBTA 7th Annual Golf Event & Inaugural Pickleball Clinic & Tournament!
Sponsored by Delta Air Lines, this year will be our 7th Annual Golf Event - featuring fun and competitive challenges and prizes and ample networking opportunities! To add to the...
2023 Education Day
GBTA | Georgia Chapter Annual Education Day at the Delta Flight Museum BCD Travel is our Premier Sponsor for what will be an amazing day with discussions on NDC and...
GBTA Michigan Chapter – Annual Meeting & Tradeshow
Mark your calendar for the Annual Meeting & Tradeshow! Get ready for compelling education sessions, expo tables, a Direct Member benchmarking session, and a networking reception the night before! Educational...
Central and Northern Florida Chapter – All Florida Day of Education & Networking – GTP Credit Approved
Join all the Florida Chapters at a day of education with an agenda filled with exciting topics and great speakers at the unique venue of The Kennedy Space Center. Educational...
Carrefour des Experts Travel & MICE par GBTA
Le Carrefour des Experts Travel & MICE par GBTA France du 4 octobre se tiendra au sein du salon IFTM - Top Résa. Il réunira des acheteurs, Travel Managers et...
LATAM Business Travel Forums Bogotá
Bogotá | 5 de Oct Fecha: jueves – 5 de octubre, 2023 Hora: 8.30am – 12.30pm Sede: Novotel Parque 93 More information
GBTA Conference 2023 Milano
Torna la Conferenza Annuale di GBTA Italia, il punto d’incontro della community del Business Travel e del MICE! Speaker d’eccezione, Travel Manager, Event Manager e Supplier della catena del valore...
Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management EMEA/APAC
This is the rescheduled date for the June 7th session. New dates are Oct. 5, 12, 19, & 26 all from 3-5:30 PM British Summer Time. All other info from...
Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™
The Advanced Principles of Business Travel Management™ course builds off of the Fundamentals curriculum to aid business travel professionals in increasing their knowledge of the industry while also expanding on...
The Fundamentals of Business Travel Management™
VirtualOctober 6, 13, 20, 27 Deadline to Register is September 30 Designed as a comprehensive guide to the key areas of managed travel, GBTA’s Fundamentals curriculum includes a full range...
Tennessee Chapter – Hospitality InduSTRy: U.S. & Tennessee Market Trends & Outlook – GTP Credit Approved
Just in time for hotel RFP season, come hear U.S., Tennessee, and Nashville hotel market updates with "Hospitality InduSTRy: US & Tennessee Market Trends & Outlook". Smith Travel Research (STR)...
FEATURING MICHELLE DUSSERRE-FARRELL Athlete, Curatorial and USOPM Programs, United States Olympic & Paralympic Museum, 1984 Olympic Silver Medalist (Gymnastics) Michelle Dusserre Farrell has maintained an impressive career within the Olympics...
Rebuilding Customer Service post-pandemic
CT/Westchester Business Travel Association The pandemic turned the travel industry upside down and what we might have thought was the main in focus in 2019 could have now changed in...
The Evolution of Ground Transportation for Business Travel: Perspectives from European Business Travellers and Travel Managers
As business travel continues its evolution post-Covid, travel programmers must adapt travel policies that meet corporate goals and objectives as well as employee expectations. GBTA, in partnership with FREENOW for...