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GBTA Reports from the European Parliament on The MDMS Regulation

Can it make travel easier and greener?

Yesterday GBTA helped host a high-level event at the European Parliament in Brussels to discuss the upcoming Multimodal Digital Mobility Systems Regulation.

The event, The MDMS Regulation: Can it make travel easier and greener? Was hosted by MEP Oetjen and Dalunde in the European Parliament and showcased the numerous stakeholders representing the full mobility ecosystem, including consumers, rail, business travelers and environmental experts supporting the MDMS Regulation. David Frangeul Senior Director, Global Air & Ground Practices leader at Advito, spoke on behalf of GBTA and business travelers.

The European Commission’s Multimodal Digital Mobility Services (MDMS) Regulation has the potential to fulfill the promise of smart, seamless, and multimodal passenger transport in the EU by giving travelers the freedom to choose how they move. The proposal, expected to be presented by the end of 2023, has been postponed with an uncertain future this session.

Speakers from across the travel ecosystem supported regulatory action from the European Commission to make it easier for travelers to book multimodal trips, making travel in Europe more efficient, and sustainable, and ensuring passenger protection, and calling for the EU Commission to act on a proposal to allow the European Parliament to begin working on the file. 

GBTA and other representatives issued a joint statement calling on European policymakers of all institutions to continue supporting the MDMS Regulation and to make the MDMS proposal a key priority in EU transport policy. 

Read the full post-event report here.