GBTA Board Spotlight: Embracing the Power of Global Community and Collaboration

In this feature series, GBTA’s Board of Directors share their views on topics that matter most to members, the industry, and the way forward for business travel. Today’s guest author is GBTA Board President Mark Cuschieri.

As we embark on a New Year, I’m filled with a sense of optimism and excitement for what lies ahead.  The world of business travel is constantly evolving, but there’s never been a better time for our industry to come together.

The global business travel marketplace is in a state of continuous change, shaped by technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and global events. Embracing this change is not just a necessity; it is an opportunity for innovation and growth. As members of GBTA, we have the power to shape the future of our industry through community, collaboration, and advocacy.

Environmental sustainability will continue to be one of the key topics for 2024. I’m proud of the milestones we achieved in 2023 through the GBTA Foundation, supporting both our industry and our members. Our goal is to persist in championing climate action in business travel, and this year we’ll be accelerating our momentum to advance the integration of travel to reduce business travel emissions. The GBTA Foundation will continue spearheading several key objectives that align with our commitment to environmental stewardship.

In line with our global outlook, I’m delighted to announce the addition of two ex-officio members from the regions of APAC and LATAM to the GBTA Board of Directors. I’m pleased that Peter Koh for APAC and Felipe Cardona for LATAM will serve as ex-officio (non-voting) directors until the latter part of 2024, at which time we hope to finalize the process to give those regions fully elected, voting directors. These regional Board members will bring unique perspectives and insights that will enrich our decision-making processes.  This expansion underscores our commitment to being a truly global organization, fostering international cooperation and ensuring the voices of ALL our members are heard

As we move forward into 2024, let’s remember that together we are stronger. Let’s harness the power of collaboration, share best practices, and support one another through the ever-changing landscape of business travel. Together, we can leverage these opportunities to innovate, collaborate and reach new heights.  

The talent and dedication in our industry are our greatest assets and I’m excited to see the incredible impact we’ll make together in the coming year.

mark cuschieri