GBTA Canada Travel Sourcing Series Continues

GBTA Canada’s 2016 Travel Sourcing Series continues today in Toronto and Wednesday in Montreal as industry professionals come together in a buyer-only setting to discuss hot topics in the industry from cost savings strategies to sourcing strategies and tactics for success.

During GBTA’s Convention this summer, Nancy Tudorache, director of operations for GBTA Canada, sat down at the Broadcast Studio to talk about the year ahead for GBTA Canada. She highlighted the Sourcing Series as an opportunity to reach buyers in each of the local communities across Canada to gain a better understanding of what is happening in their roles and allow GBTA to better provide tools, guidance, opportunities and peer-to-peer connections.

Beyond this year’s Sourcing Series, GBTA Canada continues to grow by leaps and bounds as it heavily invests in a buyer-focused approach ensuring all travel professionals understand the value of a managed travel program.

Check GBTA’s YouTube Channel for even more insight and Broadcast Studio interviews from this year’s Convention.

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