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GBTA Canada Welcomes Easing of International Travel Restrictions

Toronto, Ontario – The Global Business Travel Association Canada (GBTA Canada) welcomed today’s announcement by the Federal Government that it would be easing travel restrictions on March 1, 2022. Removing barriers to entry for travel into Canada, especially for business travel, is a positive step that will contribute to the recovery of Canadian trade and commerce. As pandemic policies continue to evolve, GBTA Canada also urged the government to align any future travel restrictions with best practices and policies used in the international community.

“GBTA Canada welcomes today’s announcement from the Canadian government to ease international restrictions as positive news. Reducing Canada’s travel advisory, eliminating the need for molecular testing prior to entry, opening more airports to international travel and eliminating the need to quarantine bring us closer to normal than ever before,” said Nancy Tudorache, Regional Vice President, Canada of GBTA. “It is important however, that the government also commit to align any future travel restrictions due to possible future variants, with international best practices so that Canadians that want to do business abroad, and those that want to come and do business in Canada, can do so in a predictable manner that supports our overall economic recovery.”

According to GBTA Canada data, the pandemic and associated travel restrictions at the height of the pandemic, resulted in nearly a 90% decrease in business travel that negatively impacted 600,000 jobs and reduced spending in Canada by $2.9 billion (CAD) per month.

“Business travel is about making and strengthening connections, growing careers, doing deals, fostering client relationships, engaging employees, growing businesses, and stimulating economies. Countries around the world have recognized the importance of this activity and are working hard to recover. We remain committed to working with public leaders and officials to develop practices and policies in Canada that will help us recover the missed opportunities and related losses to Canadian businesses and the national economy,” Tudorache added.

While the pandemic is not over, much has been learned over the last two years that should give governments confidence that travel can continue to take place in a safe way. GBTA Canada remains committed to advocating for safe travel practices and policies supported by science and data, as the situation evolves.

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