
GBTA Kicks off Legislative Symposium 2015 with Education Session

“We are going to the Hill, we are going make a difference and we are going to make things happen”
– Dianne Bradley, Chair of GBTA’s Government Relations Committee.



Dianne, together with and Mike McCormick, GBTA Executive Director and COO, kicked off GBTA Legislative Symposium 2015 by welcoming the more than 90 members who flew in to meet with their local lawmakers to discuss key issues, ranging from industry opposition to passenger facility charges (PFCs) to concerns about discriminatory rental car taxes.

Looking out into the full room, Dianne recalled back to her first legislative symposium, noting how transforming the trip was for her. She called on the attendees to find their passion and enthusiasm in the issues affecting the business travel industry.


When he took the stage, Mike provided the group with an update on key issues that go beyond the core issues that will be addressed during Legislative Symposium. Those issues include:

  • Cellphones on Planes: GBTA has engaged in a broad coalition to ensure federal agencies are considering security concerns and will move to prohibit expanded voice calls and broadband (streaming) Internet on planes. GBTA’s concern isn’t only about the “nuisance factor,” Mike noted. “It’s not about 32A fighting with 32B.” GBTA is concerned that the security risk factor goes up considerably when you introduce these enhanced communications capabilities on a flight.
  • Data: GBTA is a member of the US Travel and Tourism Advisory Board and chair of a subcommittee on Data. The subcommittee is pushing to obtain funding for improved surveying and tracking of international travel.
  • NDC: GBTA participated in the New Distribution Capability Forum meeting along with IATA, Open Allies and other airlines, travel agents and GDA companies.
  • Open Skies: GBTA has met with agency, industry, lobbyist and airline officials about the Open Skies debate.

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the day from GBTA Legislative Symposium 2015. Follow the conversation on twitter with #GBTALegislative15.

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