GBTA Membership: Value You Can Count On

I have been a member of GBTA since 2000.  I know that your membership dues are a solid investment in your career.  Over the years, I have participated as a member on the board of directors, as the chair of the Technology Committee, worked hard on getting my GLP (Global Leadership Professional Program) designation, and attended many, many conventions and other GBTA events.  I know personally that my membership in GBTA has helped me to perform my role at a high level, achieving my personal and professional goals. I am proud of each accomplishment but never take for granted those that stood beside me along the way, including my peers and this Association.  I am a strong believer in the power of networking, making important business connections that can help you get your job done successfully.  I am a strong believer in taking advantage of the educational opportunities that GBTA makes available to each and every member. 

GBTA allows (and encourages) you to connect with others in the global business travel industry online via the GBTA Hub and in-person at GBTA’s many events around the globe throughout the year. The GBTA Foundation provides you with cutting-edge industry research,   including time-sensitive research and the invaluable GBTA Global Business Travel Indexes, providing global industry forecast data. GBTA has become the leader in business travel education.  We offer unparalleled education opportunities offered by the GBTA Academy, which include certification opportunities, continuing education and on-going webinars bringing education opportunities to your desktop

I recently met a member, Erin Wilks, from Bank of America, at the GBTA All Committee Summit.  We engaged in the most dynamic conversation about her role and how GBTA has helped her become more informed and educated in her career.  So please take a moment and listen to Erin talk about how she benefits from her GBTA membership.

Our global membership base connects you instantly with your peers around the world, enables you to  better understand the business of travel on an international level and collaborate with potential suppliers and buyers.  I am proud to be part of this dynamic organization but mostly because it connects me with people just like Erin Wilks. 

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