GBTA Mexico Announces New Direct Board President

Mexico City, Mexico (June 10, 2015) – The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Mexico today announced Felipe Roman Hernandez of BBVA Bancomer as the newly elected Direct Board President of GBTA Mexico. He will serve a two-year term.

“I am honored to accept the role of GBTA Mexico Direct President,” said Hernandez. “As the only Mexican corporate travel organization, the entire business travel industry in our region benefits from the dedication of our Association, from education and professional development opportunities to industry research and much more. I look forward to continuing to help build our profession and find new ways for our Association to benefit both our Allied and Direct members.”

“Roman has been an active GBTA member serving on the GBTA Mexico Education Committee and presenting at America Latina conferences in Mexico City, Sao Paolo and Buenos Aires,” said Isabel Gomez, past president of GBTA Mexico. “Roman will be an excellent leader as GBTA Mexico prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary in March of 2016, continuing to contribute to the professional advancement of Mexican travel managers across the region.”

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