
GBTA Unveils Global Leaders Directory 2014

I’m excited to announce that today GBTA unveiled an important new networking resource for the industry – The Global Leaders Directory 2014. The Directory is the very first of its kind for the business travel industry!

This new resource will enable you to connect with key leaders in our industry: directors, corporate officers and members of various committees, task forces, and advisory boards around the world. The Directory contains contact information for hundreds of travel professionals as well as LinkedIn profiles for you to access.


When we started compiling the “Who’s Who” list of our global volunteer leadership network, it struck us just how global GBTA has become and just how many people are helping to drive our vision. The leaders included in this directory promote the sharing of ideas and information needed to support the on-going growth of our organization, as well as the continued expansion of the global business travel industry.

On behalf of all of our members, I want to thank all those that have worked tirelessly in taking this project from a really good idea to a really great resource. Volunteers are the life blood of this organization. Without their contributions, GBTA and the business travel industry would not be where we are today. So, as well as acting as an effective resource for our members to maximize their global network, this directory also acts as a celebration of our volunteer community.

We hope this resource proves a valuable tool that serves as an additional connection to an extended and vibrant global network of travel professionals. Members can find it on the GBTA Hub and nonmembers may access it at gbta.org.

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