GBTA’s Legislative Symposium: Why Advocacy Matters

Earlier this week, GBTA applauded a House decision to reject new fees on business travelers and fully fund the Next Generation Air Transportation Systems (“NextGen”). We are pleased with the continued investments in the FAA and NextGen, which will help ease congestion in the skies, reduce delays and continue to keep the U.S. economy moving.

Taxes and fees are important issues for GBTA as business travelers already carry a heavy burden of fees and taxation. In fact, GBTA research shows fees levied on travel-related services last year increased the total tax bill for business travelers by 58 percent. Supporting the Administration’s request to increase Passenger Facility Charges to $8 for every passenger on top of last year’s doubled TSA fee, could have been the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

In addition to fighting taxes and fees, GBTA’s 2014 legislative priorities include improving airport screening, fixing the nation’s travel infrastructure and keeping the U.S. open for business. GBTA advocates policies that benefit the business travel industry. Along with GBTA members across the country, we educate members of Congress, their staff and agency officials about issues important to the business travel industry.

A big part of how we do that is through the Legislative Symposium. Next month, some of your colleagues will be exercising their fundamental right for representation. A group of motivated business travel industry subject matter experts will attend the GBTA’s 14th annual Legislative Symposium on June 24 and 25. While in Washington D.C., they will meet with their elected officials and discuss issues that are important to the industry. They will be the voice of the industry!

Past successes have included the adoption and expansion of trusted traveler programs like Global Entry and PreCheck, stopping the tide on taxes on travelers and advancing the upgrading of the nation’s air traffic control system.

Here is the funny thing, these subject matter experts, the ones making the difference – they are you – our members! You know more about business travel than anyone in the nation’s Capitol. Your attendance and participation at this year’s Legislative Symposium can be the difference in Congress helping or hurting the industry.

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