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How Safe Are Your Hotels?

Are your employees trained to recognize and avoid threats while traveling? What perils will your business travelers face and what protective measures do you currently have in place?

Top executives from iJet, International SOS, and New York Life Insurance Company addressed these questions and shared ways in which companies can safeguard their business travelers in a recent webinar hosted by the GBTA Risk Committee. iJet’s Edward Clark kicked the webinar off by discussing risk profiles and myriad factors companies must take into consideration when managing risk. He mentioned every trip has a unique risk profile comprised of business assets that must be protected from various threats, hazards and barriers.


International SOS’ Tim Daniel shared top tips for travel managers, stressing the importance of the RFP process to validate various safety features. Daniel also encouraged managers to seek input from colleagues and leverage geospatial tools to track travelers. The presenters ended the webinar with tips for travelers, recommending they research destinations before traveling and opt for hotel rooms located between the second and sixth floors, away from public areas like the lobby, and near emergency exits.


GBTA members may view the webinar in full through the Hub. These sessions are just around the corner:

The full schedule of webinars is available here.

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