Join GBTA Task Force to Update Managed Travel Index

The GBTA Foundation is establishing a buyer-ledTask Force of seasoned industry professionals to review, update and revise the existing Managed Travel Index®, which is more than six years old. The purpose of the updated assessment is to benchmark the effectiveness of your managed travel program. This includes benchmarking end-to-end processes and meetings management. Most importantly, the Task Force will take this now U.S.-only tool to a comprehensive, global level to increase its usefulness and value. This project, sponsored by BCD, is projected to take approximately 12 months.


What is Required to Join and Participate on the Task Force?

Members of the Task Force should meet the following criteria:

  • Be able to commit an average of 5 to 10 hours per month of their time.
  • Have experience in managing multinational travel programs.

Members of the Task Force will be required to do the following:

  • Attend regularly scheduled Task Force calls.
  • Attend two in-person Task Force meetings (dates TBD) covering your own expenses.
  • Sign the GBTA Volunteer Leadership form.

If you are interested, or have any questions, you can reach out to me at

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